Firstly I would like to thank all the experts on this forum for all their advice and help so far. I am nearly done setting up my studio after a complete overhaul.
I have a D8B running 5.1 with an Apogee Clock, 3 x OPT8, 1 x AIO8. Now I have everything running almost smoothly. I have detected a High Pitch Whine (a bit like the noise an electronic flash makes as it charges) coming from the monitors I have plugged in to the Main Outs.
Now I have turned everything else off apart from the D8B, its monitor and the speakers (including room lights) and turned all faders and volumes down. Yet its still there.
What I have noticed is if I change clock from Internal to External the pitch changes. I am getting sync with everything, however I could not get the D8B to lock on External sync (posted elsewhere about this).
Could this whine be related to the Apogee card and is it faulty? I will try to disconnect the BNC cable to see if it stops. Getting round the back is very tricky though! If I totally disconnect the Apogee card will the D8B still work?
One last question is there another way to sync clocks without using the Apogee card at all? I have used ADAT to clock to in the past with another board, but I cannot see how to set the D8B to receive clock via ADAT?