by topdiggy2 » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:31 pm
@ TgMuscian
Then that's your best bet! - But if you dont mind me asking, how much did you pay for it? B/c if i remember your help post correctly you too just recently bought yours, right? And you bought it not working...FYI, they all run 5.1 that's not exactly a "selling point".
But you didn't buy it to "set it in a corner and rot..." you bought it to make why hold onto something that will prevent you from doing that? Yep, all that "sit it in a corner and rot" talk, that's that pride talking! lol
Some of the more active guys here in this forum bought their D8b's retail when they were $5k-$10k machines, and Kuddos to them. But, that's true for all gear & used cars!!!! - LOL . No one needs to spend that kinda money these days on anything.
Quite frankly, TODAY a lot of us visiting this forum are considering buying a used one or or already bought a used one for $500-$700 (or less in some cases myself included) because it looks like we'll be able to get 24 fader DAW control out of it soon. 2000+ visitors to this forum daily that come through looking for answers and stuff are buying them 3rd-5th hand as a CHEAPER alternative to buying independent i/o interfaces to mix in the box, OR, as a cheap DAW Controller crossing their fingers that Probox or D8bridge comes out. And the appeal to buying one of these boards today is purely aesthetic...and oh yeah, the i/o count is pretty good.
What you got to realize is, the other options that are out there for someone starting out. What are the buying factors for this board. Yeah it looks cool and gives you that "real console" look in your studio...but, outside of that...a new guy these days can build a better system CHEAPER using i/o interfaces and midi controllers. And get at the very least equal performance.
For Example:
1 Motu 2408 mk2 w/ PCI-424 card ($150-$300)
1 Midi Controller (low end, novation remote SL $150 or high end Mackie MCU $500)
Total $300-$800 and i have a fully expandable system that's on par with the D8b
I run two of these d8b's in my studio as a large console and I bought them largely for asethetics AND because they were cheaper than buying a C24 & Protools HD rig. Funny thing is, with all my midi gear hooked up and tracking a 8pc band (which i don't do)...i could still do everything with my Motu 2408 & 896 and my Akai MPD32 as a DAW controller if i
I am not bashing the D8b by any means, i'm just saying....I can be real about what they are worth on the open market. We buy them because we like knobs and faders and flashy old school, I like analog feel. But these kids these days, mixing ITB with few knobs and couple faders is all you need. Buying a midsize console these days for home/personal use is well, lets face it...overkill!
And if you aren't a long time user of the D8b, then im sure Im telling you something you already know!