anyhorizon wrote:... an arithmetic equation in hex using the box code and the ESN to provide the authorisation for OS 5.1. It may also include d8b since they are legitimate hex numbers. I know one of you clever guys may be able to sort it out.
Isn't this the idea Dok was looking at? Collecting a supply of known good {ESN, box code, unlock code} 3-tuples and using this known good data to produce the OS 5 encoding/decoding algorithm common to all working 3-tuples? I'm no mathematician, but I think the general idea is like trying to solve simultaneous equations, each with three variables (ESN, box code and unlock code). I don't know if the problem is a straightforward mathematical (algerbraic) one or if there's some cryptographic element as well. Someone on here's got to be brainy enough to figure this one out. Is it possible to cram these things into Matlab and just let it grind its way through to a common algorithmic result?
The box code might not be related to the algorithm which would diminish the complexity of discovering the algorithm to produce the unlock code from the ESN alone.
Is it possible with a sufficient number of working 3-tuples (or 2-tuples if excluding box code) to produce the encoding/decoding algorithm to create the unlock codes?