I just want to let you know that I'm working on a new d8B MCU converter (24 Tracks) with a new approach.
I want to use a microcontroller STM32 as translator, which also keeps the firmware of the d8b console.
Target is, to connect that via USB to cubase and set upt cubase to the new Mackie MCU USB controller plus 2 extensions.
Benefit should be that the translation is done not on the PC but externally on the MC wit about 167MHz.
The virtual USB Midi port supports 4 connections. 3 are used for the MCUs + extensions. The 4. is planned to use for an additional display for each channel. I will post more information in the next weeks.
Till now I have build in the power supplys (fanless) as I have only the console and not the CPU. And I've cleaned the fader as I had a lot of sticky faders. $ faders I have changed to new ones (yamaha 01V96 spare part faders).
I can upload the firmware to the d8b console and can control Leds, scan switches, meters and so on. All commands for leds and switches vpots and faders are now engineered. Does anybody knows the command to clear the display and set the cursor to the first character?
best regards