by Crash » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:49 pm
The clock debates are always interesting in the heat of battle. Having had three different clocking scenarios during my tenure with the d8b, I can't go back and listen to a single mix from my past and say "Man, listen to what that Lucid clock did to the sound..." versus any other clock scenario I have run. I have run just the Apogee in the console, as well as a time I ran a Lucid clock and my current setup involves the clock in my converter, an Apogee AD8000. I have had all of these as the master at one time or another and in my opinon, there are tons of other things more important to the big picture. The only reason I came to run the AD8000 as the master is that I believe I read an article by Dan Lavry that stated if you can, clock off the converter for the least jitter, blah, blah, etc. I even considered at one time having one clock scenario for tracking and another for mixing...and then I had an adult beverage and came to my senses.
Having said all that, if you are not cloking to any other digital device, like a digital multitrack or DAW, I would save your money for more important things like mics, compressors, etc. and stick with the in board Apogee clock or use your Audiofire. That is just my opinion though. You want to buy a Lucid clock?