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Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Discussion board for the D8Bridge users

Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby stm4426 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:13 pm

Marc: Glad to hear the project is continuing. I am just waiting for a few more tweaks and stability issues to be corrected before I pull the trigger for your D8Bridge. More importantly there are many D8B users that I know of that are waiting in the wings as well to purchase the D8Bridge software when the next round of updates is completed. I like to compliment you on a great job so far and when you finish the next round updates, count me in !

Good luck Marc and keep on rockin !!!!!!!


(To all users who have the software, it is not unusual for updates to be slow in coming and even major software releases take time for fixes and major updates. Considering Marc is the main coder - delays are inevitable as this is really a huge undertaking considering his resources.) Case in point Logic, ProTools, Motu - 64bit drivers, OS updates, the list goes on......
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby Axeman098 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:59 am

dewphonic3 wrote:To Axeman.....Seriously man, you apparently have too much time on your hands to write that long a** response.!!
I have a right as a consumer to voice my opinion, and my concern regarding this product, because in the end it is a product.
I understand the loyalty that you have for Marc, that's special, but no matter what, this is business, not a non-profit entity where the mission is to save the d8b.
I was reading some of your earlier posts, and you also were voicing your frustrations, and you haven't bought the bridge either!! Don't be mad at me for being more direct.
The good thing is that I got results immediately, so be grateful.
I was referred to this product from a very well known and respected mix engineer who sent me the link to the website for the bridge. I approached this in the same manner as if it were any other business that sells a product.

I am thrilled that Marc came forth and communicated. I was in no way trying to bad mouth him, just wanted some accountability.

There is a difference between voicing your opinion, and making demands....everyone has a right to voice there opinion, but coming in here and "demanding" anything from Marc, when you haven't bought a thing, OR made any effort to contribute to the cause, makes you look a bit like an asshole, and that is why you got such a response. Yes, I HAVE voiced my concerns and frustrations over the delays, BUT unlike you, I've been here a good while, and made a concerted effort at various points to provide information and insights to the development process and conversation.....including providing Marc with links to technical information that would further the cause. No, I haven't bought D8Bridge yet, but that's mostly because of MY OWN personal and financial issues. Not because I wasn't willing to. Like everyone else I have been just as concerned about the lack of communication from Marc as anyone here....BUT you didn't see me coming in here demanding answers and trying to hold anyone accountable. He is one guy, and just as human as any of us.

If anything, I'm annoyed with the fact that Marc himself has taken notice of people coming in here demanding answers and talking shit about him and/or his product without knowing the whole story of what might be going on in his personal life, which frankly regardless of anything else is really no one's business but Marc. That now may potentially make it even harder to get more info, or have an open discussion here about the development cycle or issues there in. While I have voiced my concerns about the lack of info, I have also CLEARLY and repeatedly stated my primary concern has been for Marc himself. I simply stated my disappointment at the time, that I could not buy the product in good conscience with nothing but silence, BUT I did not come in here demanding anything, or trying to "hold him accountable" to anything. I stated clearly, that I wanted the product, but couldn't realistically make such a purchase without knowing why there's been no word. I was dissapointed, not demanding answers...

That is the difference between how I have approached the situation, and how you have approached the situation. And yes...there IS a significant difference there. The fact is, regardless of the circumstances or frustrations, there ARE a number of us in here that are loyal to Marc, and know and appreciate all the work he's put into this project so far. You came in here and clearly stated you were mad because **YOU** went and bought a D8B based on things that were promised and/or discussed, BUT DID NOT YET EXIST....and that is on YOU sir...not Marc, so forgive me if that riles up the loyalists a bit. your lack of judgement is not Marc's fault, nor does it make him "accountable" to you in any way shape or form.

What angers me is, while I really do get your point, I don't think YOU get the damage your "direct" approach might do for the rest of us. Now Marc might be inclined to give LESS information out of fear of people like you jumping down his throat for things he hasn't been able to produce yet for WHATEVER reason. There are some of us here that would prefer if Marc wasn't made to feel that way by people shooting their mouth off because we'd like to know what he's thinking/planning etc. and now we can't because he's going to be more reserved and defensive with his discussions and/or releases of information. Some of us enjoyed the brainstorming/creative threads that sprang from those revelations....Thanks for potentially ruining that...... :| You haven't paid a dime for anything, yet you come in here "demanding accountability" ??? REALLY???? Way to care about whatever personal issue might have befallen the guy. I can't imagine why you've gotten such a lengthy response.....

"The good thing is that I got results immediately, so be grateful."

Thank you....I am SO grateful your "Direct" approach got such a quick're my hero.... You've accomplished SO much more in your 4 posts than I have in my 172......good for you....(that's called Sarcasm btw) :shock:
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