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Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

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Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby bitSync » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:00 am


I really wrestled with whether or not to post this, but I have now become a disillusioned supporter of D8Bridge. I'd love to promote D8Bridge to colleagues but I cannot in good conscience. Such a great idea but it's not quite there.

Dude, talk to us, man. Two months ago you said you were back and ready to get to work on v1.2. I handed over my cash to you a year ago in good faith and I still don't have what was promised on your website. I've put a lot of energy into documenting and troubleshooting D8Bridge hoping to benefit the forward progress of D8Bridge, including developing a rather massive Perl script to parse out the MCP MIDI messages going between D8Bridge and the DAW, but we haven't heard anything from you since you said you were back two months ago.

For a while I was seriously considering purchasing the MCU Pro and 2 XTs (temporarily) to document the startup MCP MIDI exchange between the MCU/XT and Sonar's mackiecontrol.dll, so as to be able to compare the MCU's/XT's initialization sequence with the D8Bridge initialization sequence looking for differences, but I'm wondering if I've already put too much time and energy into your product. With no indication from you about your progress, intentions, issues, etc., it may be foolish for me to spend any more time (or money) trying to troubleshoot your software. I'd like to help, but it doesn't make sense if you're not involved.

Please clue us in about what's going on with D8Bridge v1.2 development and bug fixes? Thanks.
Win7 Pro x64 SP1 / SONAR 2016 Platinum x64 Newburyport / 2x Mackie d8b 5.1 + (D8Bridge v1.1 x32 or ProBox) / 3.20 GHz Intel i7 950, 24 GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB SATA3 SSD / RME HDSP9652 PCI (ASIO) / RME ADI-8 QS / New Belgium 1554
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby Axeman098 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:00 pm

I have been following the development of D8Bridge since almost a year before any actual product was released. I have enthusiastically looked forward to the day I could afford to make the $350.00 purchase, and put my D8B to new use. I have to admit, the lack of ANYthing communication-wise in so many months, has me ready to sell it outright. I cannot spend that much cash on a product with which no one is talking or communicating. I want what it does, but I can't in good conscience drop $350 on a product that I cannot get any updated information on, and as good as it might be, to actually NOTICE that there is very little discussion on it anymore by anyone other than those of us looking for answers, is very disappointing. Especially when you just don't know why. Is it a family, health or personal issue??? Is there a business or legal issue with Mackie???

If there are issues or other things going on, I fully can do that to anybody, and Lord knows I have my own share of personal issues. But the lack of communication in ANY form is more than a bit disconcerting, as is the letdown from all the things that were promised in future updates, that just simply hasn't happened. The fact that someone else on here is openly discussing a similar product with attempts to unlock the Audio I/O, without so much as a word, opinion, etc. from Marc, is also kind of bewildering.

If there isn't some sort of update on where things stand, what is going on, and what if any further development is happening, I cannot pay for a product that is dead in the water with no support from day one. I just can't......and the continued silence is DEAFENING at this point. Had I already purchased the product, and things were this quiet, I would be more than a bit upset at this point.

That said, I could be dead wrong (and I sincerely hope I am), but until I hear or see otherwise in the form of some type of informational update.....I cannot justify making the purchase at this time....and that is VERY disappointing to me having waited so long.

Please Marc....can we get some sort of idea or explanation as to what is going on???? Just something to go on, anything to understand the silence, or what the intent or plan with D8Bridge is at this point???? Anything frankly would be appreciated...I'd like to know whether I should hang onto my D8B or is it time to move on to a more modern controller?? I'd really like to know what to do at this point, and if it's worth keeping and waiting....
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby mixingmusic » Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:08 am


I'm new here and I bought D8B on Ebay from Marc and use it with Cubase and it seems to work pretty nice for me.

I did have a question for Marc which I emailed and left it here for him hoping he would answer....But he Didn't...

I just got Cubase 7 and I found out for myself that D8B works great with 7 :D

I'm really happy so far but I did think it was quite a $350.00 investment and I hope he continues with upgrading
his softwarelike he told me he was going to do!

I'd be going nuts if too if I was waiting around for a couple a years like some of you are......

Knowing myself I'm sure I would have moved on at this point of the game...

I've read everything in here from all you guys and because of most all of you is the reason I bought D8Bridge....

Thank you for all your help..

Just my 2 cents!

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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby Klangarchitekten » Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:38 pm

We have all been very patient about the promised updates.
Please bring us up to speed what`s going on with the development.

If there are any problems let us know.
Talk to us !! If we can help - we will.
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby mixingmusic » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:37 pm

I've been watching this and it kinda looks like no-one much gives a shit...............

Maybe Marc don't either?

He got my $350.00 and said he was going to be working on upgrades.......hmmmmm :roll:

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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby anyhorizon » Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:44 am

It's possible that Marc has unexplained issues. Best not to get too shirty yet.

In the scheme of things, there isn't one... just chaos.
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby Axeman098 » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:03 am

yeah, let me one (at least not me) is mad or pissed off at Marc. I'm more concerned for him than anything else, as we've simply had nothing to go on. I'd rather know what if anything the problem is, even if it means further delay, than to not know anything at all. Some of us have been here since long before D8Bridge was even released, and the lack of communication from Marc is more concerning than any delay in the D8Bridge updates. It's just not normal for Marc in my experience here.

Whatever the problem might be, I sincerely hope all is ok in his world, and life just has him on a detour at the moment. Not really cool to assume he doesn't give a shit, as I would HIGHLY doubt this to be the case. If it were, then I doubt D8Bridge would even be this far along. From a Business perspective, the crickets chirping is a Red Flag....from a Human perspective it's a matter of sincere concern, as those of us that HAVE been here a long while know this type of silence is highly unusual for Marc. A LOT of work and effort has gone into getting D8Bridge this far, and I can only hope that whatever the problem might be, Marc can get it worked out and get things back on track and back to normal.

MY point was simply that I cannot justify the expense of the purchase blindly with no information and nothing to go on. If life threw Marc a Beanball, my only hope is he's able to get back up, shake it off, and get back in the game soon.
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby dewphonic3 » Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:19 pm

You guys are WAY too nice....I am very pissed because I have been sitting on an unused D8B that I bought in January waiting for the "updates." I refuse to spend a dime until the support is consistent and stable!!!! Not cool to start something and not follow through! The only way that we are going to get results is by demanding them!! At this point, it would be foolish for anyone to invest their money in the d8bridge until the creator/owner (Marc) comes forward and explains himself. Marc you have to be accountable to the people like myself, that have believed in your vision that YOU have presented to the public. So much so, that I went out and bought a mixer based on what you have promised! It is time for everyone to start demanding for these promises to be fufilled, and for some communication to take place!
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby Axeman098 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:49 am

dewphonic3 wrote:You guys are WAY too nice....I am very pissed because I have been sitting on an unused D8B that I bought in January waiting for the "updates." I refuse to spend a dime until the support is consistent and stable!!!! Not cool to start something and not follow through! The only way that we are going to get results is by demanding them!! At this point, it would be foolish for anyone to invest their money in the d8bridge until the creator/owner (Marc) comes forward and explains himself. Marc you have to be accountable to the people like myself, that have believed in your vision that YOU have presented to the public. So much so, that I went out and bought a mixer based on what you have promised! It is time for everyone to start demanding for these promises to be fufilled, and for some communication to take place!

Dude, seriously......get over it....I bought my D8B almost a YEAR before Marc had ANY sort of working product, and it's still sitting here in my mancave, collecting dust. It's a 20+ year old console, and the work that Marc HAS done to bring D8Bridge to fruition is quite amazing considering the limited manpower and resources he has used to this point. Unless you've already purchased the D8Bridge software, you're really NOT in a position to "demand" anything. No one twisted your arm and forced you to go out and buy a D8B. It's a vintage piece of equipment, and Marc's product is a niche product designed to revitalize said vintage piece of equipment. It is software, and therefore, like any software relies on a development cycle to push the product forward. That said, it IS a working product.....even if it's not working to YOUR liking...

Were this a Corporate undertaking, you might have an argument to bitch. But since this is basically one man's effort to accomplish a rework and task reassignment of a vintage console, STFU. None of us know what might be going on in his personal life, and as we ALL know...SHIT HAPPENS, and it happens to EVERYONE...even you. As it stands, his product WORKS according to his original vision. While he publicly announced his intentions to refine and update it's current feature set, I would again point out that if you have not actually purchased his software, you simply have no right to demand anything. There are PLENTY of us here, that have been here FAR longer than you, and would have FAR more legitimate reasons to complain or be frustrated. I have voiced my "concerns" about the current state of affairs, but to jump down the guy's throat when you don't know all the facts, is both immature and unprofessional.

He is one guy with some help from a small but dedicated community. Cut him some slack....I might withhold my money until I feel more comfortable with the situation, but to sit there and ream the guy when you don't know what the full story is, makes you look like a douche-bag. If you bought a D8B based on what was "promised" and not on what was OFFERED, then the only real fault here is on you...not Marc. While my situation is similar to yours, and my D8B is collecting just as much dust waiting for the situation to improve, you don't see me bashing the guy, whining like a tweeny because he hasn't been around. People have lives, and sometimes things happen that you simply cannot control or avoid. While I may not like the fact that he hasn't provided as much information as I/we would like, I will STILL be the first to speak up and come to the guy's defense based on MY experience within this community. If he's had to step away for a while for whatever reason, then he is simply as human as the rest of us, and probably has a damn good reason for it.

If it bothers you THAT bad, I'd suggest selling the mixer and moving on. People have lives, and sometimes bad things can derail the best of intentions. Were this site full of people like you ready to pounce on the guy when he's down, I wouldn't be in a big hurry to provide a damn thing to someone that's ungrateful, and hasn't paid a dime into the product either.

Bottom line....recognize that Marc is as human as the rest of us, and not everything goes according to plan all the time. You're not the only one here with questions and/or frustrations with the current state of things, so chill out and give the man a chance.

"It's better to remain silent and appear stupid, than to open your mouth and confirm it...." ....jus sayin....
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Re: Marc - Two More Months of Silence?

Postby dewphonic3 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:27 pm

To Axeman.....Seriously man, you apparently have too much time on your hands to write that long a** response.!!
I have a right as a consumer to voice my opinion, and my concern regarding this product, because in the end it is a product.
I understand the loyalty that you have for Marc, that's special, but no matter what, this is business, not a non-profit entity where the mission is to save the d8b.
I was reading some of your earlier posts, and you also were voicing your frustrations, and you haven't bought the bridge either!! Don't be mad at me for being more direct.
The good thing is that I got results immediately, so be grateful.
I was referred to this product from a very well known and respected mix engineer who sent me the link to the website for the bridge. I approached this in the same manner as if it were any other business that sells a product.

I am thrilled that Marc came forth and communicated. I was in no way trying to bad mouth him, just wanted some accountability.
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