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n00b help!

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

n00b help!

Postby Samplemaniak » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:13 pm

wazzzup forum!

so I gotta problem. A client of mine gave me a d8b...has 3 opt8 cards apogee WC 4 efx cards...nice right...well....i dont know how to work the dang thing! lol... but question is ADAT. when i go to setup i can see at the top it says opt 8 in type but under uv22...where it says in outputs...nothing...???? i press the digital i/o on board and go to ins/outs it says adat. question the heck do you route a channel to adat?? I have v5.1 motu 2408mk3....mac...optical and bnc word clock cables connected. any help would be greatly appreciated. you can even call me...eastern time...203-870-6222
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Re: n00b help!

Postby FrankH » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:02 am

when i go to setup i can see at the top it says opt 8 in type but under uv22...where it says in outputs...nothing...????
This is because the OPT8 card has only one type of I/O: optical; there is nothing to choose. If you had a DIO8 card plugged in, those fields would appear as selectable pulldowns because there are two I/O choices available for the DIO8 card.

Following this suggested hookup:
D8B-2408-OPT8s.PNG (Array KiB) Viewed 925 times would assign D8B Outputs to the 2408 by selecting them from the main mixer's "OUT -" selectors, just below the green LR buttons. The returns from the 2408 would show up on the 25-48 Tape In bank.

From that point, it's how you setup you computer's MOTU PCI Audio Setup menu and how that gets set up within the DAW that's on your computer. Not knowing what O/S or DAW you have, I can't help you there.
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Re: n00b help!

Postby Samplemaniak » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:42 am

Thanks for the info frank! yes....this is the way i have it connected. when i select 'out' it doesnt have adat choice..??? (mac dp7 user sorry) when i go to dp i can select adat 1 in but i do not get a signal. im only using 1 of the cards (adat 1-8) running 8 outs of my mpc and yes both cables are correct. lol....the only piece im missing is the midi module which arrives monday. again...thanks for taking the tim out to help someone get on baord. hopefully i can pay it forward if/when i become knowledgeable enough! :)
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Re: n00b help!

Postby FrankH » Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:22 am

when i select 'out' it doesnt have adat choice..???

You won't see anything about ADAT in the Output pulldown menu. Just Tape Outputs 1-24. These represent the pathways to the OPT8 card optical outputs.

If you want to get the D8B to feed DP7 and you have the #1 OPT8 card connected to an MPC (at least that's what it sounds like you've done) then you have to use Tape Outputs 9 thru 24 to get into DP7. You'd use Tape Outputs 1-8 to get in and out of the MPC.

Additionally, if you want to mix a number of tracks to a particular Tape Output, you have to assign those channels to a Bus (one or more of the green buttons above the LR button) and send the Bus (last 8 slots on the Masters Deck) to Tape Outputs 1-8 (MPC) and 9-24 (DP7). When you assign input channels to tape outputs (or busses to tape outputs), be sure and turn off the LR bus assignment for those input channels, otherwise you'll get "double monitoring" from the returning Tape In channels.

Conversely, the returns from the MPC and DP7 will show up on the Tape In Deck. The MPC will show up on channels 25-32 while the DP7 will show up on channels 33-48.

As to dealing with "double monitoring", this next idea goes a bit deeper: during tracking, you can leave the LR assigns on, provided DP7 is capable of providing a "manual monitor" or "tape monitor" emulation function. The concept is that DP7 records the inputs coming from the D8B but doesn't pass those live signals to the DP7's outputs (and back to the D8B) until you Stop/exit Record or Play on DP7.

I can't help you with setting up DP7 beyond suggesting to make sure it's expecting D8B inputs from ADAT 9-16 and 17-24 and sending its outputs to ADAT 1-8 (for the MPC) and ADAT 9-16/ADAT 17-24 (for the D8B).
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