I replied in another thread about checking something too,,,but ,,,I've been tracking some stuff ,, and if I get some time to mess with it tonight I'll flip my cables around an check it out for you too.
MOSHWITZ wrote:Sup?
I replied in another thread about checking something too,,,but ,,,I've been tracking some stuff ,, and if I get some time to mess with it tonight I'll flip my cables around an check it out for you too.
Petersueco wrote:¿What message?
bitSync wrote:Petersueco wrote:¿What message?
Hi Peter,
I'll have to make a note of it, but the message is something to the effect of "Please initialize your DAW" or something like that. The message is on the lower line of the VFD only; the upper line bears the track name abbreviations as it should. After some period of operation, the lower VFD line gets partially overwritten by new text values depending on what I'm doing and the only thing that remains of the "Please initialize..." message is those portions of the line that haven't been overwritten by the various bits of new text. The "Please initialize..." message doesn't make a lot of sense since the console and DAW are exchanging all kinds of data - fader positions, rec enable, solo, mute, LED meters, scrub, time code, etc., so the DAW has obviously initialized the D8Bridge MCU status.
I'll report back on the exact message next time I boot it up.
Also, I've seen some reports of MCU implementation bugginess on Sonar X2, some of which have been reported fixed in Sonar X2a. I plan to install the X2a patch this weekend and see what effect that has on the D8Bridge behavior and the funky little message.
bitSync wrote:bitSync wrote:Petersueco wrote:¿What message?
Hi Peter,
I'll have to make a note of it, but the message is something to the effect of "Please initialize your DAW" or something like that. The message is on the lower line of the VFD only; the upper line bears the track name abbreviations as it should. After some period of operation, the lower VFD line gets partially overwritten by new text values depending on what I'm doing and the only thing that remains of the "Please initialize..." message is those portions of the line that haven't been overwritten by the various bits of new text. The "Please initialize..." message doesn't make a lot of sense since the console and DAW are exchanging all kinds of data - fader positions, rec enable, solo, mute, LED meters, scrub, time code, etc., so the DAW has obviously initialized the D8Bridge MCU status.
I'll report back on the exact message next time I boot it up.
Also, I've seen some reports of MCU implementation bugginess on Sonar X2, some of which have been reported fixed in Sonar X2a. I plan to install the X2a patch this weekend and see what effect that has on the D8Bridge behavior and the funky little message.
I've just installed the Sonar X2a patch. Actually, I first uninstalled Sonar Producer 8.5.3 and X2, then reinstalled X2 and then the X2a patch.
When clicking the SELECT button on the d8b, there is no indication in the Sonar X2a GUI that the track is selected, as there would be had you selected the track with your mouse click. So nothing's changed for me in X2a with respect to this.
As for the VFD message, the second line reads "Please initialize your DAW.", although the DAW has been initialized. When I open a project file in Sonar X2, the correct faders fly to their proper positions, the MUTE buttons and SOLO buttons work, the faders work, etc. But now the REWIND button on the transport controls and the SCRUB wheel don't work and they did before...
I wish I didn't have to spend so much time trying to get my gear to work right.
bitSync wrote:In addition to the REWIND button and the SHUTTLE/SCRUB wheel not working, the FAST FWD button is also not working now...
Petersueco wrote:That message, i believe, is a sign that your MIDI channels settings in the d8bridge configuration panel are wrong or that your MIDI ports have been messed up somehow, and you are using different ports.
Just guessing here, because I'm not familiar with Sonar. Maybe Sonar's new GUI is not working properly. Does the channels get actually selected even if there is not any visual sign of it on Sonars GUI?
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