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*** SURVEY! ***

Discussion board for the D8Bridge users

Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Proklaim » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:09 am

Hello, I have an old d8b just sitting around because I thought it's time was done. Now I see this and well this is Awesome!!!
I would like to use the d8b for live sound through a DAW if possible, will use it to track live also. I use a MAC computer, Digital Performer 7.4. I am not sure what else I can do with the d8bridge but would love to get my hands on it for a while. Please give an update as to where you are in the new version.

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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Prophet Of Noise » Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:53 pm

I'm one of those users that use Logic on OSX and the day I see that the D8Bridge goes alive for mac (or at least using a secondary windows box to route midi), I'll start looking on eBay for a Mackie D8B. And by the time I get that delivered to my place, I'll order the D8Bridge as well.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Bill Roper » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:08 am

I'm using the d8b for mixing, routing, and tracking, although I'm using outboard mic pres.

I'm recording into Cubase, which I just upgraded to v7. I use a RayDAT card to map 24 ADAT ins and outs to the d8b channels.

I'm on a PC.

I've been looking at the D8Bridge product with a lot of interest, but haven't jumped at it, as I use the d8b to generate monitor mixes and run the speakers.

So far, I've had no problems with the d8b computer and hope that it stays that way. :) I've got the original motherboard which I hotrodded a bit by putting in a faster Celeron chip and as much RAM as the MB would hold.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby yorkshired8b » Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:16 pm

Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?

tracking into cubase. would love to keep this feature, but i really want to use it as a control surface too, whic i haven't tried yet.

- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)


- What DAW software are you using?

Cubase 7 (the minute d8bridge works on cubase7-mac, you have a new customer anyway :-)

- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?

complete surface control of cubase7 for mixing/tracking, with the ability to still use the inputs of the d8b

- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

all fine at the moment, so not a problem to keep the computer at this stage.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Petersueco » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:06 pm

yorkshired8b wrote:- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?

complete surface control of cubase7 for mixing/tracking, with the ability to still use the inputs of the d8b.

+1 :ugeek:

Hopefully in version 2 or 3.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Ischidu » Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:14 pm

Marc Girard wrote:Hello all,

I'd like to know a little more about the D8B community. I've got ideas and such for the future of D8Bridge and I'd like to know what's my target audience! As you know, D8Bridge was born because of my own needs to control my Nuendo DAW. Now that D8Bridge is a product of it's own, I need to consider my users needs as well.

Here's a bunch of questions I'd like you guys to answer.

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
R:I use it specislly for Audio Mixing,sometime for audio recording
- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
- What DAW software are you using?
R:Cubase 5.1
- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
I'd like to record with D8B using my DAW without connecting it to Mackie power computer
- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?
R:It's too old

You guys can add what ever you might think relevant to you answers. Answer right here in the forum, so we can discuss about options and such.

Thanks guys!
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby Axeman098 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:12 pm

Marc Girard wrote:Hello all,

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
- What DAW software are you using?
- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

My intent is to use it primarily as a control surface, as I have external Pre's I can use...that said, IF the audio I/O is opened up, I would certainly like to use the XLR inputs on the D8B as extra channels ALONG WITH my MOTU 896HD's. That would give me 28 XLR inputs to work with, which if it could be done, would be outstanding. I primarily use Sonar X1, have just recently aquired X2, and would also like to use D8Bridge with ProTools on a Windows platform. I look forward to seeing the HUI implimentation in future versions. Primarily, I would like to see Audio I/O (NOT the onboard D8B effects, just the I/O) and HUI for Pro Tools become available.

I DO have a question concerning assigning other buttons in a given DAW. *IF* as you mention in other threads, that the MCU protocol is only fully implimented in Nuendo/Cubase, then how configurable are "spare" assignments in other DAW's??

I have replaced the Heatsink fan on the CPU, that's about it. Mine is one of the older Pentium 133 units, and the PSU fan is still abit noisy at start up, but goes away after a few minutes.
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby awhitebeatz » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:53 pm

Midirose wrote:- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
For tracking only at this point

- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
I'm on a 8-core Mac Pro

- What DAW software are you using?
I used to be a Digital Performer guy but have totally switched over to Pro Tools 5 months ago

- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
To be able to use as a control surface for Pro Tools and use for tracking also. (faders, mutes, solos, pans, channel select, record enable and three banks of 24 channel banking as a control surface)

- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?
No problems with mine. I've just owned it for about 10 months now

Same here!
Mac Pro running 10.6.8
Pro Tools 10, Logic Pro 9 and Reason 6.5
CURRENTLY, not using it at all :oops: BUT would love to use it for tracking, mixing, and as a full fledge control surface :D
No issues with my D8B. Got it in November after hearing about D8Bridge
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby mixntrax » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:31 am

Q: Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?
A: Mostly used for monitor mixes and tracking additional channels when necessary. I was having trouble with my Digidesign Midi I/O causing BSODs so disconnected it and have not been using the d8b as an 8 channel HUI since. Ideally I would use it again as a HUI if all 24 faders could be utilized to control Pro Tools.

Q: Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)
A: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

Q: What DAW software are you using?
A: Pro Tools HD 8

Q: What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?
A: 24 Channel Control of Pro Tools. I would also like to be able to utilize the effects within the d8b since I purchased the full license and have both MFX and UFX cards installed.

Q: Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?
A: No Issues (knock on wood). I have three d8b units and one was acting up so replaced it and have not had time to troubleshoot. Need a Guinea Pig for testing?
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Re: *** SURVEY! ***

Postby bitSync » Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:12 am

In reply,

- Are you using your D8B for audio mixing / routing / tracking?

I'm using the d8b exclusively as a control surface ever since I got D8Bridge 1.1 32-bit integrated. I've only checked the d8b and HDR functions periodically to make sure everything's sill working OK; I always boot the d8b in its native mode first before initializing it with D8Bridge. It's not that I don't want to use the d8b's intrinsic functions, it's just that since the d8b and D8Bridge aren't fully integrated products, switching between them is a bit of a bother as far as the studio lightpipe routing goes (but the A/B switch ( does rock, however). I never thought I'd say it but since I got D8Bridge and a DAW monitoring capability (Audient Centro) I can possibly see myself as an in-the-box kinda guy someday. Maybe. If I had to track more than 8 tracks at once, which I don't often do, I would switch to the d8b to pass audio to the RME HDSP9652.

- Which platform are you using? (Mac or PC?)

PC / Win7 x64

- What DAW software are you using?

Migrating to Sonar X2 Producer 64-bit from Sonar Producer 8.5.3 64-bit

- What would you like to see in future versions of D8Bridge?

Don't get me wrong, I'm really pleased with 1.1, but since you asked...

    1. A little less flakyness in the application.

    2. If a 64-bit version can't be built that works properly with a 64-bit operating system, let's make sure the 32-bit version works seamlessly with the 64-bit operating system.

    3. The startup call from the d8bridge.exe application to open the config.d8b file will look in any number of directories to find the file rather than just the application directory (or e.g., a directory named in an .ini file). This messed me up for a long time thinking that if I deleted the config.d8b from the application directory it would force d8bridge.exe to create a new config.d8b file, but d8bridge.exe, possibly in concert with Win7, will explore all kinds of directories trying to locate a config.d8b. This was particularly problematic when I wanted to make sure I was booting a specific configuration for Sonar Producer 8.5.3, Sonar X2 Producer, Reaper, etc.

    4. When closing down the 32-bit d8bridge.exe in my Win7 64-bit environment I am always prompted about an application problem and am offered the option to shut down the application, upon which report details are issued describing an APPCRASH. This is of no major consequence since the d8bridge.exe application is shutdown by this GUI. It is a sign, however, that something's not quite right in the application shutdown sequence.

    5. There are instances where I thought d8bridge.exe was shutdown but it was still running (instances where the Win7 GUI described in 4. above never appeared). This has caused monumental grief when trying to integrate DAW upgrades, etc. with D8Bridge. I now look for the d8bridge.exe running process before attempting to start it since multiple running instances can get really interesting, not in a good way.

    6. A more comprehensive installation and configuration guide would be fantastic. Perhaps you could recruit your user community to pitch in during beta testing to scribe their installation and configuration experiences with their particular DAWs.

    7. As far as features, it would be nice to be able to use the D8Bridge just like one of the native layers on the d8b console, but for me I would rather see D8Bridge 1.2 with the odd bits of strangeness ironed out before a 2.0 with integrated audio.

    8. A less than flawless MIDI channel configuration or control surface mapping configuration in d8bridge.exe can leave the d8bridge.exe GUI stalled and subsequently unable to boot from the config.d8b file, thus requiring its deletion. That could be made a bit more robust.

    9. Some documentation on the switches file would be cool, unless I just overlooked that somewhere.

    10. I lost some D8Bridge capability I had in Sonar Producer 8.5.3 when I installed Sonar X2 Producer. For example, the SELECT buttons, which I seem to remember selecting tracks in Sonar Producer 8.5.3, no longer have any effect in X2 (or in Sonar Producer 8.5.3). In all fairness, this may have nothing to do with D8Bridge since there are a number of MCU compliance issues discussed on the Sonar X2 forum.

    11. When the GUI is minimized the application icon in the tray disappears and there's no apparent way to get back to the GUI except by stopping and restarting the application.

- Had problems with the D8B computer? Is it still working OK?

Like MOSH says... so far so good. ;-)
Win7 Pro x64 SP1 / SONAR 2016 Platinum x64 Newburyport / 2x Mackie d8b 5.1 + (D8Bridge v1.1 x32 or ProBox) / 3.20 GHz Intel i7 950, 24 GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB SATA3 SSD / RME HDSP9652 PCI (ASIO) / RME ADI-8 QS / New Belgium 1554
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