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Automation and Midi issue

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Automation and Midi issue

Postby OscarPro1 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:22 pm

Hi everyone, firstly may I wish you Happy Holidays wherever you may find yourselves on this planet or in the Universe for that matter. :-)
I'd like to throw this issue I'm having with automation into the forum pond of knowledge and hopefully get my head around it.
I tried to run automation last night on a mix using the D8B faders as opposed to the DAW and I ran into some uncharted territory. The DAW is generating MTC and its showing up on the D8B display accurately and correctly. Transport functions work great in both directions so I know that midi is getting through. The Automation section is set to Faders, as primarily that's all I want to use for now. The problem is that when I run a pass and try to automate a fader movement it doesn't respond accordingly to my movements. I've managed to trace an issue back to the "Locator" window on the GUI and realized that the SMPTE time code reading is not tallying correctly to the readout on the SMTPE clock on either the D8B console display or the DAW (Pro Tools SMPTE readout), even though the latter two are. The "Locator" window transport buttons are engaging correctly, but when I press play, the SMPTE time code reading in the "Locator" window starts and stops, effectively causing a break in my automation passes. These start and stop intermissions do no stop the track from playing. They just interfere with the automation pass. (Crazy hey!) I hope I've explained it correctly-lol!
So my good D8B freinds - Is ther anyone out there that has experienced the same or can help me with this issue. I would really like to put the Automation features of the console to solid use. :-(

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Re: Automation and Midi issue

Postby OscarPro1 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:28 pm

Just a quick update on the above issue! :shock:

When I disable HUI mode from DAW, MTC is constant at the "Locator" window in th e GUI and automation works fine on all counts.
The MTC generated from the DAW to the D8B seems to be interrupted only when HUI mode is enabled from DAW. Yes! A quick solution would be to leave HUI dIs-engaged during automation passes, but I'd still like to know why MTC be interrupted when HUI is enabled. It's bugging me. Even when I have achieved all the automation and enable HUI mode after, the generated MTC is still interuoted and that means the Automation would be too. Am I making sense or have I lost it completely. Help! :roll:
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Re: Automation and Midi issue

Postby Crash » Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:50 pm

I am following you...just don't have any answers. I don't use HUI mode so that is uncharted territory for me. You maxed out your (RAM) memory I assume?
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Re: Automation and Midi issue

Postby OscarPro1 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:58 pm

Crash, hey...

Yes! RAM maxed out. I could literally feel you guys searching for the answers to help and a big thanks to you all for that.
I believe I've isolated the problem should any out there dwelling into the DAW-D8B HUI connection be interested.
I switched Midi/Audio interfaces and derived the MTC from a separate Unit altogether, leaving clock and audio on the original. It could only mean that running HUI and MTC from the same Midi/Audio device is a crowd. That or the Interface is faulty. But then again if it were, would Midi work at all?
Well its working a dream now and HUI and MTC seem to be running along side each other smoothly with no automation or timecode dropouts. :D

Thanks again Crash and have a great festive period.

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Re: Automation and Midi issue

Postby Crash » Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:21 pm

Awesome, I was glad to be of no help at all, (ha) glad you got it sussed out.

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Re: Automation and Midi issue

Postby OscarPro1 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:34 pm

LOL... Take care.. :D
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