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D8Bridge and Sonar

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D8Bridge and Sonar

Postby MOSHWITZ » Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:20 am


I had a hard time trying to get Sonar to play nice and see 3 separate Mcu's and load D8Bridge every time and I hit Marc up to ask how he had it setup, but got it sorted before he got back to me. So for anyone having any trouble getting Sonar to play nice, here is a cut and paste of what I sent Marc.

I believe I have the separation issue sorted.
You have to load the Mackie Control, and 2 XT's in the setup page . Then you have to click the "Utility button and select the "Mackie Control" button to bring up the configuration page for the the MCU.

You have to push the "Configure Layout" button on the main( Mackie Control) settings page,,
Twist V-Pot 1 to set this bank for the first 8 Channels, then on the D8B use your " View MCU2" button to switch to the next bank. Then twist V-pot 9 and set it for 9-16,, then hit "View MCU3" button to switch to the next bank . Then twist V-pot 17 and set it for 17-24. Then you have to push the "Configure layout" button again in Sonar's MCU setup window which is now telling you to "push again when you are done".

Close out this window and close Sonar.

Now you have to start the D8Bridge up cold.

( that is you can't already have it running and just push the "Reset D8B" button,,,,sonar for some reason didn't like it and would not see the Virtual MCU's it would just say "Connecting" in the status box and the D8B screen would sit at Waiting for Daw,,, it took me about 2 hours of cussing WTF,,at my DAW till I figured this out.)

Anyway,,, start the D8Bridge up cold.
then start Sonar.

So far it has worked every time now and so far everything that I have tried works as it should( Faders, Select , mute, solo, Rec, Read, Write, Pan, Bank L+R, Transport controls and the scrub features too)

Except the Zoom controls have the same weirdness going on like in Reaper. That is if I push the button and turn on the zoom,, twist either knob and the process either keeps expanding or contracting,,,But unlike reaper, it will go the other way if you twist the knob in the other direction,,,it will keep going in that direction of course, but it will change. And if you push the button to turn the zoom off it will stop, unlike reaper which just stays locked in the loop.

Anyway,, that's that, as far as I can tell

I hope this helps someone, and when it is all said and done, maybe there could be a sticky on setting up on different DAW programs for quick reference.

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Re: D8Bridge and Sonar

Postby Marc Girard » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:50 pm

Thanks for sharing that info! I'll probably include it in the next release (in the Quick Instructions).

I'll check on your zooming issues!
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