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HDR/d8B and DP7 (or Perf6) Mac users?

Discussion board for the HDR/MDR/SDR hard disk recorders users.

HDR/d8B and DP7 (or Perf6) Mac users?

Postby BDFitz » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:14 pm

Has anyone successfully slaved DP7 on a MAC to HDR and (or) d8b? I have used Performer (up to v6) as a sequencer slaved to HDR for ten years up to OSX. No such luck with Digital Performer 7.22 and MAC 10.5.8 on dual intel Macs (2). Has anyone out there been using DP7 with Mackie gear? I can get it to run/slave but note bursts, unstable sync, ghost notes and bad MIDI connectivity have made DP7 useless.

I am not a techie but have successfully configured, updated, and maintained my d8b and HDR with new drives, BIOS upgrades, battery, RAM, etc. I often completely forget how the heck I've done things as many were one-time researched projects with limited notation retained. (I've been through 20 MAC computers since my 12 years with Mackie gear).

In reviewing the original Mackie MIDI setup up I still don't understand where Mackie planned for people to connect, say a MOTU MIDI Express XT and MIDI keyboards and a computer when the manual calls for break out MIDI cables on the HDR and d8B and only call for them to connect to each other. I choose an additional MOTU Pocket Express which allowed 4 MIDI inputs and multiple outputs for each enabling A IN (HDR) and A OUT (d8b) and B OUT (Express XT) for all MIDI keys and Digital Drum modules.

Now MOTU is saying the Pocket Express may somehow be causing the problem when it STILL works seamlessly with a USB cable to an old MAC running PERFORMER 6.0. I don't get it. It's a simple MTC signal. If anyone is running DP7 on a MAC with HDR and d8b I'd greatly appreciate knowing how they have it configured. thanks
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