Thanks - good to know what the actual problem is, before sinking time into chasing down an unclear symptom.
So, it sounds like you’re trying to use your Apogee Rosetta converter as the WC clock source, and then “daisy-chain” the clock signal through the D8B to the HDR.
That doesn’t work, if you don’t have a modification done to your Apogee Clock card in the D8B, to allow you to turn the termination off.
It’s in the database, how to do that. default/design, the termination on the Apogee word clock card is ALWAYS ON, and daisy chaining word clock is not an option. The only options you have, is to either modify your Apogee Clock card so you can turn the termination off, or to change the order of how you’re clocking things.
So, if you need to daisy-chain, use the Rosetta as the WC clock master, send it to the HDR with termination OFF (and word clock set to external ) and then have the D8B at the end of the word clock daisy-chain (also set to "External" for WC sync), since it HAS to be at the end, if the clock card is not modded to remove termination (or allows to switch it in and out).
As for the settings… my HDR was down, but I spent a little time to fix that just now, to see what my settings are and if that works… got it working (I haven’t used my HDR, lately… mostly interfacing with the computer/DAW these days).
At first, the play/stop buttons on the D8B would work to control the HDR, but the time-display on the D8B wouldn’t show anything… I think what I had missed there, was in the HDR under Windows/Setup/MIDI to activate “Generate MTC” (which was inactive for me - and for a reason... when my DAW is the sync master to everything, I don't want the HDR to generate MTC). This then sends MIDI Time Code (MTC) over MIDI, and as long as the MIDI cables are correctly connected to the D8B, it should sync up to it.
So, I’d check these things first (word-clock daisy chain order, and making sure the HDR generates/sends MTC over MIDI), and if you’re still stuck, share the specifics and I’ll take another look
Most of the other settings, like frame rate, sample rate, etc., are dependent on the project settings you use, and they just need to match on both ends. So, it's kinda hard to go over the options there, without just quoting the manual.
Best of luck!