Old School wrote:Hi All,
We may have other problems. I just found this when checking how the software for this site works. Suggestions? I am out of my depth here.
Have a blessed day,
In a nutshell, the version of this bulletin board software app is ancient. The whole site probably hasn't been upgraded in some time. It's pretty clear this site needs maintenance on a regular basis; I did this sort of thing professionally for many years so I'm not commenting off the cuff. The database (
MySQL/MariaDB) is gonna require migration as well (
I'm sure of it), and if a person doesn't know wtf they're doing here, the end results could be catastrophic (
loss of data and/or corruption, etc). It's not Rocket Science, but it's not something I would recommend for a person with little to no experience performing these activities. An alternate plan is almost a requirement at this point if the desire is to keep this community functional... that's not a small endeavor, even from the technical perspective, It doesn't even speak of ongoing maintenance and support (financially, etc). Somehow, the bills have to be paid and the '
new' site will have to be monitored / maintained...
It's fair to say this bulletin board and the community it supports are now on the clock...