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MDR 24/96 new user (victim)

Discussion board for the HDR/MDR/SDR hard disk recorders users.

MDR 24/96 new user (victim)

Postby not hip » Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:21 pm

Hi. New here. I recently picked up an MDR 24/96 for a few bucks. As you can imagine, I'm getting the Error 43 message. I've been farting around inside - checking connections, new internal battery, downloaded the BIOS utility files (I think I did it right, but I'm going to hit it again from the top of the process to be sure everything extracted). Checked for bent pins and everything else I can think of. Reseated the ribbon cables, reseated the EPROM (MDR v1.00).

It's been a while since I have used anything with an internal floppy. My recollection is that, on power-up, the drive will be detected and the "active" LED indicator on the floppy drive face will illuminate and extinguish (if there's no disk in it). Mine remains on whether there's a disk in it or not. Other than an initial click from the drive on power up, there is no sign of the unit trying to pull the files off the disk.

I'm looking for a bit of guidance from y'all. I won't be broken-hearted if I can't get it up and running. The cables and internal parts have some value and will make someone happy if it ends up being junk, but I really don't want to work in a DAW. I look at a computer monitor all day for my day job. I don't want to have to do it when I'm trying to be creative. Short of buying an old Otari 2" tape machine, this seems like the best option for me. I'm a "One Button Per Function" kind of guy.

I have read through a few threads. One of them indicated that the hard drive tray must be locked in order to boot. I didn't get a key with this unit. I have an empty tray in the bay, but it isn't locked in place. Are these keys available? Are they all the same "code?"

Anyone have a digital copy of the "Last Mackie HDR Book?" All the links I have found are defunct. I understand that the author passed away this year.

Thanks in advance.
not hip
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Re: MDR 24/96 new user (victim)

Postby not hip » Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:38 pm

Anyone need MDR parts? I give up. I've been dicking around with this paperweight since October. Can't get my hands on the book. Can't get any progress on the Error 43 message. Can't get anything to happen from the floppy drive.

I'm moving on. I don't often admit to defeat, but this one got me.

I'm 1/2 hour north of Boston, MA. Let me know if you want it. I'll leave it on the porch for you.
not hip
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Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:54 pm

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