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delay on aux sends

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Re: delay on aux sends

Postby Old School » Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:43 am

Hi All,
I am so glad you guys had this discussion! Some years back I posted complaining of the output from the Drawmer compressor being out of phase. I was told that this was highly unlikely and I started to doubt my own hearing. But now I know why I was hearing this " out of phase" sound when playing the original track at the same time as the compressed track! I did my own tests of the delay on the auxes by feeding the auxiliary back into a channel and routing it to the recorder, then measuring the distance in the difference in the start of the wave forms. After subtracting the recording latency of the D8B/HDR setup, (which I have consistently measured at .35 milliseconds) I get a delay on the auxiliary sends of 114 frames, which is roughly 2.3 milliseconds. Definitely noticeable with a rim shot. Next I bounced a previously recorded vocal track on the HDR through the drawmer and recorded it back to the HDR. The delay was now measured at almost 4 milliseconds and when played back simultaneously with the original track created the hollow, out of phase sound I had been hearing! When I slid the compressed track over to match the original everything sounds great. Now I can use the Drawmer for New York style parallel compression. Thanks guys!

Have a blessed day,
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Old School
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Re: delay on aux sends

Postby antoniodelrio » Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:28 pm

Thanks Old School for this solution.

Actually, I found another way to deal with latency on internal effects (or external through aux sends) while in live environments to use parallel processing.

Let’s say you have an input signal on channel 1. So:
1. On channel 1, send it to the desired aux effect.
2. Unassign channel 1 from L/R (or any bus)
3. On another channel, assign channel 1 as pre DSP insert, and adjust on this channel the amount of delay needed.
4. Assign this second channel to the desired bus or L/R

With this you sacrifice a channel, but works perfectly.
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