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Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby Jondav1120 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:19 pm

Hi David,

Continuing from previous post....

7. We do want to do this, so click "More info"

Run anyway.PNG
Run anyway.PNG (Array KiB) Viewed 1417 times

8. Click "Run anyway". We should now get the WinImage self extracter popup.

Winimage self extractor.PNG
Winimage self extractor.PNG (Array KiB) Viewed 1417 times

9. Make sure "Writing on Floppy" is ticked. Make sure your floppy drive is selected in the drop down and hit "OK".
The floppy drive should make floppy drive noises for a few moments and if all is well you should have a floppy disk to load into your D8B.
Repeat for the other two .exe files to create a set of three disks.

Trust that helps...

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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby csp » Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:14 am


Thank you for the effort that you went to and if Peter is reading this he should put your post on the Forum/Database somewhere for other to read and follow in the future.

What you did worked perfectly and I did it twice (on a Windows 10 and a Windows 8 computer) just to try it out.

The only problem that I had was related to the last line of your point No. 9. After copying the first file, I could not get the A: drive to show up in the Self Extractor for the other two files, but instead I had to go back to the computer's Download folder and start from scratch each time.

This could possibly have been a function of the Toshiba 3.5" external drive that I am using, but it was the same on both windows computers. The only other problem that I had was the number of floppy disks that I had to use after fully formatting to find disks that did not have errors that caused the copying to fail/stop--- but although only used a couple of times, the disks were at least 30 years old !!!!!

Now all I need to do is to get the disks to be recognised by the d8b's drive. I will probably do this either tomorrow or sometime over the weekend and after that I will need to work out how to get the plugins authorised when all that I have is the desk's ESN --- it was so much easier when all you had to do was to obtain the plugins and get the unlock codes.

Can't wait until Mackie "bites the bullet" and releases a fully fitted out 2022 version of the desk and with all 24 (or 48) mic imputs and have the Trim pots in the digital domain, so that the settings can be saved and recalled along with all of ther other settings --- if another company can have such a desk, Mackie should be able to. Just think, the other company had in excess of 22k confirmed orders before their desk was even released !!!!!!!

Again thanks for all of the effort you put into this for me. The Association will be over the moon when I finally get everything sorted and installed and they see what they now have and what they can do with it.

Today I am working on the rack and cabling for the extra 12 mics that will be fed into the Bank 1 Line inputs.

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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby csp » Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:30 am

Just a quick update to say thanks to all who assisted with this problem.

The service pack has been installed and all plugins are there.

All I need to do now is to find an easy method to have then authorised --- it was so much easier 20yrs ago when all you had to do was to pay Mackie some money and they supplied the codes !!!!!!!

Only wish that Steve Tillman (Steve T) was still around as he had a system that with the ESN he could supply the codes --- I know as he did it for me and some others who were on the old Mackie forum at the time, in case we ever had a problem and needed to re-auithorise the plugins.

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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby Jondav1120 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:38 am

Hi David,

Glad to hear it's all up and running. Have a search on the forum for "5.1Hack". There are two different hacks available.

Ultimately both hacks work in a similar way, by hiding the serial number embedded within the brain board from the Mackie OS, although they achieve it in slightly different ways:

1. The first hack (thanks to munkustrap) uses a modified firmware file. This works by returning a specific serial number to the OS, rather than the serial number from the brain board. This means that you need to enter a set of unlock codes that go with that particular serial number.
2. The second hack (thanks to jf_uk) uses a modified OS file. This works by completely bypassing the serial number check within the OS, which has the effect of immediately authorising all the plugins and 5.1 with no need to enter any unlock codes.

Installing the hacks can be done by FTP or by removing the hard drive and attaching it to a computer, rename the old file to something else, and copy across the modified file.


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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby csp » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:41 am


Thanks for that info and I will have a look at it sometime during next weekend when I ghet a bit of spare time --- they are forecasting a bit of rain so I will probably have to be indoors.

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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby captainamerica » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:58 am

nice job Jondav1120
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Re: Showing My ignorance -- and getting frustrated

Postby csp » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:04 pm


I couldn't agree more. but I would have to add all of the oters who assisted with this/these matters.

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