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Looking For UFX and MFX Cards

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Looking For UFX and MFX Cards

Postby csp » Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:06 am

Firstly this is not the type of posting that I usually make and I am not after charity (but I wouldn't object !!!) nor do I want to be ripped off.

I purchased my d8b only about a year after its release and when purchased I had it fitted with a second MFX and two UFX cards. It is still in use, although as I have basically retired it is not used all that much.

Some years ago I became associated/involved with a local voluntary music association whose charter is to foster music within the local community (an Australian city of about 600k people). The local Council had built a place for the association to call home and as part of the construction they included a small sound control room (basically just four non acoustically treated walls).

When I became involved with the association, I asked if they would like to have the room acoustically treated and for me to donate some sound recording equipment (a 48x 8 x2 desk, a pile of outboard gear, jackfields, multicore and mic cables, etc). This was naturally accepted and the end result is quite a nice recording facility with a 24track Alesis HD24 recorder and Masterlink master recorder has resulted.

It was my intention that one day (when I fully retire !!!) to donate my d8b.

A couple of weeks ago I discovered that a chap in another state was selling his d8b (looked to be in excellent condition), the end result of which is that I am now the owner of that desk and am going to donate it and install it in the control room --- it really does look like a brand new desk and works perfectly.

The only problem with the desk is that the chap who owned the desk had a very good selection of outboard DSP and effects gear and had no need or desire to use the Mackie cards, so the desk only has the Mackie supplied one MFX card installed.

I am now going to be installing the desk, but because of the ability of those that will be using it, to have the Mackie cards installed would be a major advantage, however these cards are now extremely difficult to find and when available are being sold at greatly inflated prices and then I have to add roughly a third to the sales price for conversion to the Austarlian dollar and when I add shipping, the cost is way outside of my "donating" budget. There are currently three UFX cars on Ebay that for me to purchase and ship would be well over $AUS 1K (about $US1500).

As a result I am wondering if any forum member (especially those who are only using the desk as an interface or similar) would be interested in selling a card or two at a far more realistic price ? I would naturally pay for posting to Australia and all/any Australian import or tax charges.

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