I have some partial good news to report. I originally suspected and still suspected the cable as being the root of the problem. I Hooked up all of the original d8b parts including all the power supplies, circuit boards and internal wiring. The only thing different is that I used a different bfc and still had to use butt splices because I had already cut the molex connectors off. On first start the console would jot come alive. Then I pulled the sense connection from the LPS-152 power supply and again the console came to life but no success with full boot. Now I switched out the LPS-152 5v supply with the new one I purchased with sense and connected it. This time the console not only came to life but it fully booted. I did not see the meters jump, but faders and pan pots fully work manually and using the mouse. This confirms my suspicion that there is something wrong with the bfc cable. Since it ohmed out correctly, I am still pointing toward cable length as being the problem. This is further supported by the fact by using the original LPS 152 5v power supply with sense connected, the console failed to start, but with new power suppy and sense, it worked. I think the reason the original would not work with sense has something to do with the buttons splices. Connecting I p the more powerful 5 v supply made it boot fully with shorter cable. I do remember in the first post in this thread that livefromheaven noted that the console was touchy and seemed to only work with the 5v adjusted to 5.38v. So the next step is to recreate that setting and hook up something to the console to see if I get audio.
When I extended the bfc cable, I used 2 sets of butt splices at either end of the extension because I had cut one end already when I built the first power supply. The key might be using a better method of joining the two pieces of the cable. Maybe using a metal sleeve and solder instead of a butt slice. I think this is down to solving 2 issues. The original cable length worked but the sense would not work on the original power supply because of the resistance from the butt slices. The second issue is even with newer power supply, there is a possibility that the extend cable length to 50 feet in addition to using butt splices caused the problem.
Off to build some new cable and Will, let you know how it rolls.