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Newbie setup help PLEASE!!!!

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Re: Newbie setup help PLEASE!!!!

Postby spmonkay » Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:18 pm

The only thing is, as far as I can tell, the SDR doesn't have a vga option where the HDR does.

Ok....I think ive decided how I would like to proceed and that is to have a go at using the d8b as my main studio recording console. Now.......I will keep an eye on the market for an HDR/SDR but in the meantime what would be the best way to use my Mac as a 24 track recorder with the d8b? Is there a software app that would work like an HDR? Im guessing things aren't that simple!! :lol:

It does feel like im going round in circles and I apologise for being a bit of a moron but as I have said this whole d8b thing is completely new to me but I really want to have a proper go at using it how it was intended to be used!

Thanks again for all your patience with me!! :lol:
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Re: Newbie setup help PLEASE!!!!

Postby angelotaylor » Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:06 pm

spmonkay wrote:The only thing is, as far as I can tell, the SDR doesn't have a vga option where the HDR does.

Ok....I think ive decided how I would like to proceed and that is to have a go at using the d8b as my main studio recording console. Now.......I will keep an eye on the market for an HDR/SDR but in the meantime what would be the best way to use my Mac as a 24 track recorder with the d8b? Is there a software app that would work like an HDR? Im guessing things aren't that simple!! :lol:

It does feel like im going round in circles and I apologise for being a bit of a moron but as I have said this whole d8b thing is completely new to me but I really want to have a proper go at using it how it was intended to be used!

Thanks again for all your patience with me!! :lol:

Yes, You can use Your mac as recording device (with Your Logic).

The paradigm of this method - is to mix everything and process effects in the console, but with the Logic - You only records the result mix from the D8B! In this case, Logic will work as midi sequencer and multitrack tape machine! In my case, I just use second PowerPC mac with Pro Tools hardware as a tape machine!!

I`m wrote some pages above about it. You need to setup some routing.

You need to connect all sound sources to Your D8B: external synthesizers, microphones, guitars, and e.t.c. Next, You need to connect ADAT out of Your audio card to one of Apogee ADAT option in D8B. Now, You can out virtual synthesizers from Your Logic to console. You need assign separate ADAT out ports to separate virtual synths channels in Logic.

Ok. Now, connect SPDIF out of Your D8B to SPDIF input of Your audio card.

In Logic - create some midi events with Your virtual synths on different tracks. It will be out with ADAT ports to separate channels of Your D8B. If You need to control Your external synths - You need to add some midi tracks in Your Logic project (and connect midi cable from Your midi out of Your audio card to midi in of Your external synth!)

Mix it with D8B (not with soft mixer in Logic! Live virtual faders in Logic in "U"positions!!!)

When Your music is mixed, and all effects is added and applied, and it is all - played as You wish, Just create stereo audio track in Your Logic, assign the SPDIF in port to it, mute it and activate record state. If You will not mute this, You will get a feedback loop as result!!!

Next, push record button. Music will play from Logic, and result mix will be back frome SPDIF out of Your D8B to SPDIF input of Your audio card and will route to created audio track in Logic and it will be recorded.

When it finish, just unmute recorded audio track, mute all other tracks and make mixdown (bounce) operation. Finally, You will get stereo mix file with Your recorded and mixed music in Your hard drive of Your mac!

If You are not enough channels to record all the instruments - you can save the mixer scene, create a new one, adjust the effects, and repeat the entire record process on another additional audio track in Logic. You need to mute all recorded virtual synths yet, and live only unrecorded! Then perform a bounce of both audio tracks!

That is!
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