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URRRRGG 43 error!!!

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

URRRRGG 43 error!!!

Postby davestrat1 » Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:46 pm

Hey Guy's,

I recently moved my board to redo my studio. Now I have the dreaded error 43 message (no issues until now). I checked all the connections... reinserted all the IO cards, checked the ribbon cables in the CPU. All seems fine. I'm getting a CMOS checksum error. The Del and F1 functions won't work. I can't access the Bios. Does anyone know if this could be a battery issue or ribbon cable issue in the board itself?


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Re: URRRRGG 43 error!!!

Postby High C Double G » Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:20 pm

Hi Dave,

Did you replace the battery with a new one? If it has been a year or more I would just replace it... cheap insurance!

In the mean time, I would re-seat the big connector on the back of the mixer and tighten down snug, sometimes it feels like it is all the way tight when it isn't. I think you are right about F1 or maybe it is the delete key that allows to access the BIOS, you might try instead of holding it down (I am sure the correct key is noted in the database) try tapping it to see if the BIOS opens up, if you were tapping it, then hold it down. Sorry but that is all I got on this for the moment.

Hope this helps,
Make some noise!!!
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