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Converting a MDR to a HDR

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Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby funk » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:57 pm

Hi all.
I am going to have a go at converting a MDR to a HDR as i need monitor support.
it has the later motherboard with a 433 processor.
so... i have read some of the topics already,
has anyone done this already and can provide clear steps to do it ?
I am a bit confused after reading some of the posts if i need to change the firmware chip or not ?
i thought it might just be a case of
New battery
new hard drive
graphics card
mouse link
Hdr bios set
HDR software
Bang done, but feel its not going to be that easy.
i want this to use as a portable 24 track recorder i.e. to take out to the drummers to record the kit for my songs as i cant have drums in my house.
Cheers all once again,
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby Bruce Graham » Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:13 pm

Hey Funk;

I do believe you need to change the firmware, but I'm not 100% sure.

If don't have Mike Rivers book "The last Mackie Hard Drive Recorder Manual", you should get it. It is a wealth of insight, knowledge and his experience all in a easy to read manual. "Cafe Press" was selling it or if you search "Mike River's Audio" you will find his website.

I will have a look through my copy and see what I can find. PM me with your email address.

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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby funk » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:47 pm

hi bruce, cheers for that,
is the firmware on the eprom ?
if so
i could buy an eprom copyer and a blanc eprom i should be able to copy the firmware on the eprom in my HDR ?
any one done this ?
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby arjepsen » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:59 pm

funk wrote:Hi all.
New battery
new hard drive
graphics card
mouse link
Hdr bios set
HDR software
Bang done, but feel its not going to be that easy.
i want this to use as a portable 24 track recorder i.e. to take out to the drummers to record the kit for my songs as i cant have drums in my house.
Cheers all once again,

Battery change not needed, if the old one works fine.
Same for hard drive. But with the new bios, you could use a bigger one - or change to CF cards as some of us did.
Graphics card - technically not "needed" - but this might be one big reason for actually doing the upgrade :-) I think you need a radeon 7000 agp graphics card (remember that the dvi output isn't working - only analog vga) However, you will need to cut the chassis to install the card.
I just checked my MDR - as far as I can tell, you already have the mouse ps/2 connector. It's covered up by the black plastic on the back.
Then it might just be a matter of getting and installing a new bios chip, and then install the HDR software.
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby funk » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:21 pm

hi thanks jep, i have batterys and a new hard drive the old one is knackered, al stick to hard drive for now,
also have a spare graphics card.
"need to cut the chassis to install the card." i have a grinder waiting.
great the mouse connection is there.
just a bois chip i think and im good to go :-)
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby arjepsen » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:21 pm

Actually, you might also need a new eeprom for the front controller board - but I am a bit unsure about this.
I haven't made this conversion myself, so for my part, it's a bit of guess-work.
Google might have clearer answers though... :-)

EDIT: a bit of googling on my part suggests that the eeprom upgrade is also necessary.
Haven't seen it on ebay for a while though :-/
Wonder if someone in here is capable of making one for you?
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby phantomrage » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:33 am

I don't have a radeon agp card, I have a pci video card and it work's.

Let me see about pulling the cover off and snap a photo and get the information on the video card...

Give me a few days..
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Re: Converting a MDR to a HDR

Postby funk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:38 pm

Hi jep, thank you, be interesting to see inside, i have a graphics card that works fine anyway, taken from an old d8b brain, i have the mother board as well as all the other cards from it also.

Anyway all done, thanks all....
A HDR firmware chip
HDR OS on to the hard drive
a mouse ps2
a keyboard with ps2 end and a PS2 to 5 pin adapter ( cheap on ebay)
A graphics card

The mouse and 5 pin din keyboard ports are already on the MDR in the same place as the HDR just cut a hole in the plastic.
For the graphics card i used a ATI rage 128 8mb, and just cut a hole in the back for the port on the card to come through and a hole in the top for the screw to clamp the card down.
Put the os available in the Daterbase above on to your hard drive via flopys
Get a HDR firmware chip or program one yourself, and swap it for the one on the little control board, about where the LCD screen is inside and that is it all done, easy.
Thanks all for your help
can upload photos if wanted
oh i think there is a good post here somewhere where you can use a usb keyboard if wanted
and also flash card rather than a HD as well
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