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Problem with Headphone mixes through AUX.

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Re: Problem with Headphone mixes through AUX.

Postby Zarampoukas » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:35 am

Hi Bruce.

Thanks for your response. Well, i know what you mean, now let me explain further: the issue with the aux v-pot on the master is, when i bring the master volume fader up to listen the mix in the control room over my monitor-boxes. Then the signal goes to the aux7 headphones too. So you hear the feed from the channel auxes PLUS the Master signal which occurs in a flanging/doubling in the headphone-mix from the artist. But when i dont raise the volume master, i cant hear nothing over my monitors, cause the near fields button is lit and assigned to the master L/R. Do you know, what i mean?

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Re: Problem with Headphone mixes through AUX.

Postby Crash » Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:09 pm

Bruce is right, the master aux 7 in your video will kill audio in that jack if it is turned down all the way. The flanging/double issue is an odd one. Do you have any of your F/X returns turned up on the return side of the console that might be also associated with aux 7. You can double assign for lack of a better word, where you are using aux 7 for a headphone send and it is also going internally in the console to the F/X section of the console. You will also get weird phasing if you turn up an aux on the input and the tape return of the same signal.

I am stumped on the Master fader stereo mix going to aux 7. There is nothing in your video to show that issue so I am grasping at straws.
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Re: Problem with Headphone mixes through AUX.

Postby Bruce Graham » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:23 pm

Hi Christos;

As I mentioned without knowing your entire setup and what you are trying to do it is not possible to figure out what the problems are. It appears there is more than one!

I do not know what recorders you are using and it is possible that you are getting a delay through the tape returns on Bank 2 (Tape), IF the faders are up (or the aux is pre) AND the V-pot is turned up to Aux 7. There can be latency (delay) through there. As an example. This would be hear as a doubling or flanging.

Did you start your setup from a fresh "Startup" file or did you open a previous file?

I am still trying to figure out why you are using so many aux's, in this manner, for headphones for a recording? Again I am not sure of your setup.

Also your statement about hearing the Aux plus the Master is also confusing, well to me anyway. I am not sure how that is possible? If you have Crash stumped then there is a real problem!

Is it possible you do not have the input channel (whichever is the one we are talking about), not assigned to L&R? I listen to my aux's though the solo button next to the V-pot labelled MASTER. When I release the solo I hear my 2 mix (assuming I have it selected), which is L&R though the Master fader!.

Trying help! Post back.

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Re: Problem with Headphone mixes through AUX.

Postby Zarampoukas » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:00 pm

Hi Bruce. Sorry for late reply. Still lot of work.
I have done the records for now. I didnt had enough time to find the Problem to solve it. But it worked for the Band i had. It was ok, they heard themselves enough. Without flanging. But i have to test it again, somethings weird on the console (for example:i connected on the back of the d8b a cable talkback to studio -> i pushed the Talkback to studio button -> immediately the internal talkbackmic was active without the talkbackbutton was lit. After i pushed the Talkbalkbutton (lit on) and pushing again (lit off) it was deactivated... Well.. seems to me as an internal OS error..

I hooked up the d8b to a firestudio adat into logic. all is fine. The tape returns (DAW stereo 1/2) is coming back. But no direct monitoring from Logic. Its all in the console. So no latency. Also i dont have any FX activated/routed. Its all on Zero. All Channels are into L/R, not to any Bus/FX etc..

I will make another video if i have the time for it to show you in more detail..

Cheers Christos
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