by AustinFa04 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:54 pm
I really appreciate the offer Bruce!
Lets put that one on the back burner, bc I dont want to have to put you out.
I am going to try and get a hold of some floppy disks and create them my self, I also set up a FTP connection with the D8B which gives me access to all its files now through any of my windows machines, so I am going to look at some other avenues and go from there, if I cant get it accomplished, then I will take you up on that offer. However, I dont think I have any unlock codes, so (i guess??) I will still need those.
I have a operational machine with V 3.0, I downloaded 5.1 from the database and the from munkustrap's drop box, is there still more I need?
Sorry for the ignorance in all this, I am new to the D8B and how it goes about validating everything, so I am fumbling through it as best I can.