Hi all
I am a shame to even say this but I did the dumbest thing. After I Finley got my d8b lights to come on the only problem I was having was the chanal faders and the head phone volum and speaker volum and the chanals would not move when I went from bank to bank. So I went back in the console and checked everything I could. Here goes please don't give me a hard time. But I forgot I had my power on but the d8b was not powered on so I hooked the big friggen cable up before I screwed it in it touch the board then I heard a pop and sizzle the way a speaker will make
So I booted the board and nothing no light not even the rud solo light would come on. So what I am asking do you think it could have messed up the power supply board and do you think it could have went to the brain board I hope not gees I could kick my on butt just when I thought we might get it back going this happens. I am getting ready to go back in and see what I can. Last night I was to mad to do it. Thanks for any input
Joe allen