anyhorizon wrote:What's with the strange code like stuff that appears at the top of a topic when opened ?
There was an upgrade to the server and most likely the version of PHP being used...
The 1st error is indicative of a setting in the '
/etc/php.ini' file, the '
date.timezone' option requires a value that PHP uses for for ALL date/time function internally. The error handling is being echo-d back to the browser and I could get into '
why', but it's not a subject that this community forum a) wouldn't find much use/interest for and b) is quite off-subject. The 2nd error is due to browser session management - another long and a
really rather involved topic...
Suffice it to say, neither is a critical error as far as the site serving up on the web; it's really a 'debug message' for developers and/or web administrators to revisit your PHP settings/options, make the changes required and restart Apache (
the web server). The messages will then auto-magically disappear...
You knew it was coming, so here it is :
[Standard Mgmt Disclaimer] = "
Your actual mileage may vary..."