by Bruce Graham » Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:29 am
Hi Micha and welcome to the Forum;
Your question is hard for me to answer but I will give you perspective on things and my d8b's.
I have 3. Two working one just in case. They are all early versions and only 1 works all the time. Well almost all of the time. It has it problems. I know I will have to invest a few more dollars ($200.00 CDN) to get it running tip top only to know that, due to its age and a dwindling parts supply that someday, not too far away they will stop working.
I do this for fun and to keep my mind working and my ears "in tune". If I had to do this for money, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use these in a studio where I have clients looking over my shoulders. I'd still have one a home, just not in a money making studio.
I think that because you have asked, you have answered your own question. There is no real future with this console. They have had their day. And they worked way beyond what they where designed to do. A tribute to The people at Mackie.
Yes they work now and may work for a few more years but it is a computer and the parts are harder to find and they get more expensive and it becomes less and less the format that the industry works in.
They have served us well, and unless you have a bag of money, a good supplier of parts and someone who will take the time to figure out how they work so they can keep them working I would not consider investing your future with this console.
Again, I have 3 and think they are great!
Hope that helps.
Last edited by
Bruce Graham on Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.