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Thinking of buying a d8b

Discussion board for Mackie's d8b Digital Console users.

Thinking of buying a d8b

Postby thomcooper » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:25 am


I'm considering purchasing a d8b. Going to take a look at it later in the week. I set up a new d8b back in 2001-2002 & got familiar with it.

I've not done anything much for around 10 years though & have just got back into the game, using Logic Pro X. I cut my teeth on a Mackie 8 bus recording onto ADAT. I'm missing the warm sound of the 8 bus & get into a mess with too much stuff happening in Logic. Similarly, the processor isn't too happy & I find some of the effects a bit nasty.

From what I remember, the d8b had the Mackie analogue sound right? My idea is to run a d8b into an adat soundcard (16 channels like the Blackbird), do recording & waveform editing in Logic, then returning back to the d8b for mixing.

Any thoughts on what to look out for (there seems to be 2 different types of computer boards powering the unit subject to age?), any common problems (aparently one of the fader banks sticks when in automation mode).

Also, what should it have disk & serial keys wise? I believe theres 2 MFX & 1 UFX. Is it possible to get hold of the plugins they used to sell & max out the desks potential?

Finally, d8bridge...Looks interesting, but I don't want a DAW controller. Does it provide an alternative running mode than the standard OS? What about fx etc?

I'm really trying to achieve a bit of warmth in the mixes. I wondered whether an Onyx, Allen & Heath QU16 (albeit a bit out of my budget for a month or two), or an old desk with a 16 i/0 soundcard would do a better job? I'm also looking at a Tascam DM24 which whilst no match when new, wondering if it would be a more reliable option (although I'm aware that the fx won't be as good)...

I do like the d8b as a concept, but I'm a bit twitchy about spending money on something thats 10+ years old & has never appeared 100% on the reliability front. Thanks for any advice.
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Re: Thinking of buying a d8b

Postby Crash » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:55 pm

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Re: Thinking of buying a d8b

Postby thomcooper » Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:47 pm

Thanks for that Crash!

Was a nice piece of kit except that there were problematic faders across all 3 modules (they stuck when automation was turned on).

I'm aware of a guy in the US who services them. I'm awaiting response for a rough quote.

Another question that may be answered in the link you've sent (I've not read it fully yet) - what is the scenario with effects licensing? This unit has 1 ufx with the tc reverb which is reportedly noticably better than the MFX module (of which there is 2 installed).

If I get hold of another UFX card on ebay at some point, what do I get in terms of out of the box, & can I get hold of any new plugins (which still seem to be onsale at a hefty whack)?

From what I understand, Mackie gave a unique key based on your devices serial no. which was generated via their webserver which has reportedly since crashed & no longer available. Are there any problems when it comes to system rebuilds (presumably I just need to make sure I have a copy of the license keys - or is there more to it than that)?

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Re: Thinking of buying a d8b

Postby Crash » Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:12 pm

In all honesty, I am not sure where things stand with UFX plug in codes these days. I thought the plug in prices had dropped in price quite a bit over the years but if you can still get the codes...not sure. Someone else will chime in on that issue I am sure. When you buy a UFX card, that is all you get out of the box. There is nothing free with it other than the getting the TC going and the Mackie mono delay I believe. I found the TC plug in to be totally uninspiring to be honest and I find the MFX verbs to be more useable. I use the UFX cards for Final Mix, the Massenburg EQ, the Drawmer comp, Autotune and Saturated Fat mostly. I have a rack of verbs and other assorted whiz bang boxes that I think smoke anything in the Mackie in terms of F/X. Right now I run one MFX card and three UFX cards in my rig.
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