bitSync wrote:I just want to make sure I understand what you're doing. Please tell me if I've got it right, or if I don't, where I misunderstand.
You will be installing a computer host inline in the serial interface between the d8b CPU and the d8b control surface. This will, in a sense, behave like an inline serial switch operated by some host software. In the native d8b position, the host software serial switch will allow the comms to flow between the d8b CPU and the d8b control surface as if they were directly connected with a normal d8b serial cable.
At the user's discretion, that d8b CPU - to - d8b control surface serial connection can be interrupted and intercepted by the computer host software, and instead of passing serial traffic between the d8b CPU and the d8b control surface the host will intercept the d8b control surface serial comms and will translate them to MCU MIDI destined either for MIDI I/O ports on the host or for virtual ports on the host to integrate with DAW software also on the host.
that would be "the hard way", the easiest way would be instead of translating to MCU MIDI (because I would need to understand all the MCU protocol, thing that Marc already did) connecting through a virtual serial port to D8Bridge and let the software make the translations (tha would imply that my program would simulate the d8bridge firmware loading sequence ) that assuming that d8bridge could work well with the original mackie firmware loaded into the d8bcontrol surface,
bitSync wrote:Is that about right? Or are you doing something different than that? If this is your engineering trajectory, I suppose I don't need to tell you that there are some DAW/d8b switchover issues that may not be sufficiently served by an inline serial switch and a serial/MCU translator alone. You'll need a mechanism to load and unload DAW system state to the d8b control surface whenever switching between the native d8b comms and the DAW comms. When switching back to the d8b you'll want to load back in the console state in whatever d8b layer you were working in. If you've considered this kind of thing, that's cool; I just thought I'd mention it. In the way of a suggestion, if you were to continually track the native d8b serial comms inside the host software while in native d8b mode (i.e., maintaining the latest d8b system state in your software), you could keep a copy of the last known d8b system state in your software when switching back to a d8b layer from DAW mode. Same thing for the DAW state; just keep sniffing DAW MCU traffic while in d8b mode and when you switch over you can grab the last known DAW system state from memory.
Yeah I already thought that would be necessary, to keep reading all ports(including "unconnected" ports) to update statuses and to save both stauses in something like "status" map, such as that when I change to "DAW" mode, the surface would update to the last saved status before changing to "d8b normal" mode (example: if i move chan 1 fader to 0db while on DAW mode, my program would save that in the DAWModeMap, and if I change to "d8b" mode and move the same fader to -10db, my program would save that in the "d8bModeMap", and when i return to DAW mode, my program will recall the last DAWModeMap states and send the command to the surface to move the chan1 fader to 0db)
bitSync wrote:I've got kind of a philisophical forum question for you. I honestly don't mean to be moderating here but I wanted to share this thought. If the work you are doing is intended to contribute to the D8Bridge initiative, either by developmental assistance, critique, troubleshooting, new requirements, etc., those seem like good reasons for posting on the D8Bridge forum. But if the work you are doing is intended to serve some other function, for example, building an alternative to D8Bridge, would it make sense to work with Peter to open a new 'd8b alternative DAW controllers' forum on this site? Don't get me wrong. I think it's great that you're exploring some DAW controller ideas here using the d8b, and I completely understand your motivation; we've all been waiting a long time for D8Bridge support. But the kernel subject of your work seems so far to be oriented toward an alternative to D8Bridge. Does a new forum corner for alternative d8b DAW controllers make sense? Like I said, it's just a thought to consider.
Keep up the good work!
well, I first wanted to make d8bridge work without loosing the audio part of the d8b, that would make this project still related to d8bridge,although I still don't know If this could be done,I still haven't purchased d8bridge cause I was waiting the next version, but I saw suddenly no one of the developers replied in months, and I saw someone posted that would be better if Marc release the code if he would not make any upgrades anymore, so the community could improve the code, that's how I started researching about it, and making some tests and releasing the results(and also the code/cables used) so the community could improve it , then maybe now this is not the right place to post this, I respect Marc's work and and his Software seems awesome, I don't intend to make my program a "competitor" , I don't want money from this ( maybe a d8bridge copy for "researching" purposes
) just want to share my knowledge to other people, maybe I should post to another formu, I don't know hehe,
P.S. sorry for my bad english again