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D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

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D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

Postby farmac » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:02 am

For the last 5 times I've fired up D8Bridge , when the setup page pops up to initialize console , my midi channels are all messed up ?
This just started during the last few times I've fired it up. It's odd.
The changes appear random each time I use it. It might be :
3. 1
2. 3
5. 4
Instead of the initial setting ( which stayed the same each time and worked )
2. 1
4. 3
6. 5
Respectively. Do any of you guys know what's going on here ?
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Re: D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

Postby farmac » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:22 am

Bump ....... anybody ?
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Re: D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

Postby bitSync » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:21 pm

farmac wrote:For the last 5 times I've fired up D8Bridge , when the setup page pops up to initialize console , my midi channels are all messed up ?
This just started during the last few times I've fired it up. It's odd.
The changes appear random each time I use it. It might be :
3. 1
2. 3
5. 4
Instead of the initial setting ( which stayed the same each time and worked )
2. 1
4. 3
6. 5
Respectively. Do any of you guys know what's going on here ?


Yes, I've had the experience of MIDI channel assignments drifting in subsequent D8Bridge instantiations. I don't have my D8Bridge v1.1 bug list with me since I'm on travel, but as I recall, this can happen in a number of situations -

- A new MIDI device driver is installed or updated since the last invocation of D8Bridge
- Control surfaces are added into or deleted from your DAW application between D8Bridge invocations
- There is an instance of d8bridge.exe already running when you boot D8Bridge

When you quit D8Bridge, just because the d8bridge GUI goes away doesn't mean the application isn't running (this is on my v1.1 bug list). I have adopted the habit of checking for d8bridge.exe in the running process list before booting D8Bridge, especially if I've done multiple back-to-back invocations of D8Bridge. I've noticed that if I *don't* get an APPCRASH message from Win7 x64 when I shut down D8Bridge, there is a near certainty that d8bridge.exe is still running. And re-invoking D8Bridge when there's another instance running can cause various kinds of weirdness to happen. Also, if D8Bridge is running, and is then shut it down without invoking the DAW, it can leave D8Bridge a bit confused and mangled (also on my bug list).

I have noticed that there are some acute sensitivities to order of operations with D8Bridge that if not closely adhered to can leave D8Bridge in a different configuration than you last left it.

Also, in restoring the jumbled MIDI ports in D8Bridge, you'll want to be careful not enter duplicate MIDI port names while in the process of fixing the port assignments; if you have to, temporarily pick some bogus port names until you've got things correctly reconfigured, or just be very attentive to order of operations. For example, if your configuration is supposed to look like -


and it has been shifted to look like -


Don't try to rename port Y to port 2 before first fixing the currently incorrect port 2 assignment; DBridge will lock up if you try to first rename port Y to port 2 since port 2 is already assigned in the D8Bridge GUI. Your port repair sequence should go something like -

1. Reassign ports 6.5 to MCU 3
2. Reassign ports 4.3 to MCU 2
3. Then, reassign ports 2.1 to MCU 1

I don't know that I've seen exactly what you've illustrated, where the jumble is all the correct ports but they're just in the wrong places. I've always seen the correct port assignments bumped and replaced by ports not even related to D8Bridge, as in the shifted ports example above, 2.1 on MCU 2 rather than on MCU 1, and ports Y.X not even being MIDI loopback ports, they'd be something else like my TranzPort MIDI ports or my HDSP9652 MIDI ports.

I recommend you document your problem as thoroughly as you can with as much detail as possible and get it to D8Bridge for evaluation and hopefully resolution in v1.2. Also, please let us know what you discover about concurrent d8bridge.exe instances.

Also, you're definitely not using the 64 bit d8bridge.exe, right?

Please keep us posted.
Win7 Pro x64 SP1 / SONAR 2016 Platinum x64 Newburyport / 2x Mackie d8b 5.1 + (D8Bridge v1.1 x32 or ProBox) / 3.20 GHz Intel i7 950, 24 GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB SATA3 SSD / RME HDSP9652 PCI (ASIO) / RME ADI-8 QS / New Belgium 1554
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Re: D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

Postby farmac » Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:38 pm

Thanks for the reply.
No not d8bridge 64. (learned that one )
A little pressed for time. I know it locks up when I try to change it , so I shut down midi loop first so it comes up blank , then restart it and enter the correct sequence. That seems to work for now.
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Re: D8Bridge midi loop keeps changing?

Postby bitSync » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:14 pm

farmac wrote:Thanks for the reply.
No not d8bridge 64. (learned that one )
A little pressed for time. I know it locks up when I try to change it , so I shut down midi loop first so it comes up blank , then restart it and enter the correct sequence. That seems to work for now.

Also, deleting the config.d8b file (actually, deleting all config.d8b files on your file system) will cause D8Bridge to act as though its next invocation is its virgin run and will allow you to start a fresh configuration for COM ports and MIDI ports. When D8Bridge boots, it tries to open an existing config.d8b and if none is found, it will create a new one.
Win7 Pro x64 SP1 / SONAR 2016 Platinum x64 Newburyport / 2x Mackie d8b 5.1 + (D8Bridge v1.1 x32 or ProBox) / 3.20 GHz Intel i7 950, 24 GB DDR3 RAM, 2TB SATA3 SSD / RME HDSP9652 PCI (ASIO) / RME ADI-8 QS / New Belgium 1554
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