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Discussion board for the D8Bridge users


Postby Studioa » Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:45 pm

:D Hello

I have finally decided that am going to buy this upgrade kit. :twisted: GOOD BYE MACKIE !!! It took me awhile to make up my mind, but with the help of some members on this forum made it more clear to me its time for a update.

With this update I am also going to purchases a new Focusrite, Liquid Saffire 56 hardware interface that I will use to interface with Samplitude Pro X software on a Windows 7 Pro 64 bit machine.

This might be quite a learning curved to get all this integrated to work with my DAW and Win Pro 64, but I'm very excited to see if my work flow will be more efficient and hassle free.

I would like to thank all of you that help me during this time.

P.S. I now have two A-DAT light pipe cards that I won't need For Sale, 1 very nice RME HSP 9652 and 1 Nuendo 9652.
These card are in good shape and I have all the cables and manuals for them.
If interested let me know. :P

Thanks Again
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Location: Sterling IL

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