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Postby Old School » Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:29 pm

Hi All,
after 15 years, I finally got ftp to work on my HDR. It turned out to be a Windows thing. Even though I had the firewall turned off, I decided to change its settings to allow everything and the HDR project files came right up! It would seem that windows just allows you to think that you can turn off the firewall? At any rate I now have a new question. I can only see the files on the internal disk, is there any way to see the files on the external disk?

Have a blessed day,
MIke W.
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Postby Jondav1120 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:56 am

Hi Mike,

What FTP client are you using? I've always used Filezilla and I'm pretty sure that it shows both drives and possibly the floppy drive as well.


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Postby Old School » Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:26 am

I tried Filezilla but could never get it to work, maybe now that I know the problem was windows firewall I can go back to Filezilla. Thanks for your help!

Have a blessed day,
Mike W.
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Postby Old School » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:33 am

Unfortunately filezilla no longer has a download for a windows xp system (the computer that contains my collection of really good 32bit plug-ins), so I will content myself to just move projects to the internal drive if I want to access them, but thanks for the help!

Mike W.
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Postby Bruce Graham » Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:53 am

Hey Mike;

Glad to hear you got the problem solved. I had the FTP working on XP then it stopped and could never get it to work. Perhaps that was the issue. I had internal and the caddy working. I sure you had the FTP "Find Network Places" after it started working?? Just suggesting the obvious!

I have a Windows 7 machine now and am rebuilding so I'll make sure the firewall is turned off when I finish. Hopefully it works.

Currently I use a IDE to USB to backup my Caddies. It works but it is a pain removing the Hard Drives to connect them.

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Postby doktor1360 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:41 pm

Old School wrote:Hi,
Unfortunately filezilla no longer has a download for a windows xp system (the computer that contains my collection of really good 32bit plug-ins), so I will content myself to just move projects to the internal drive if I want to access them, but thanks for the help!

Mike W.

In FileZilla, on the 'Transfer' tab for the connection select 'Passive' and give that a whirl, Mike. The FTP server on either the D8B or the HDR are kinda ancient at this point, allowing for non-secure access - the security defaults back then were much more lax...

I don't have everything setup at the moment (been stored for 3-4 yrs), but if memory serves I had to make sure any client app I was using had a passive transfer option whether it was a gui or a command line shell. I'm not guaranteeing anything at this point until I can duplicate this myself. Just quickly wiggle the connection settings in FileZilla, and give that a stab... ;)

Of course, you already knew it :
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Postby Bruce Graham » Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:02 pm

Hey Mike;
Re your external and the FTP, mine was Drive "e" in the FTP. When mine was working. It doesn't work at this point. As I mentioned.
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Postby Bruce Graham » Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:53 am

Hi Mike;
So as you suggested I created a new Network Place in Windows XP called "HDR_2496" and no change. It will not allow access.
What I dod notice, when I looked at the details of the Shprtcut created the address ends with a "/". sp it is something like "ftp://10.10:28:10/". and not". I', going to add iot and see what happens!

Thanks for any help.
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Postby doktor1360 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:38 am

Bruce Graham wrote:Hi Mike;
So as you suggested I created a new Network Place in Windows XP called "HDR_2496" and no change. It will not allow access.
What I dod notice, when I looked at the details of the Shprtcut created the address ends with a "/". sp it is something like "ftp://10.10:28:10/". and not". I', going to add iot and see what happens!

Thanks for any help.

I'm not a Windoze user (especially 10), but if memory serves the ftp server on the HDR and/or D8B allow for passive access (older tech, less secure) - so the Windoze client app has to connect passively via FTP. It doesn't use a passive connection by default, so that's gonna have to be set somewhere in the application configs.The M$ FTP command-line client (ftp.exe) does not support the passive mode, on any version of Windoze, so in reality you're gonna have to find a proggy that allows for passive connections. FileZilla would certainly work, and you can dig thru the docs for the Windoze Explorer (yeah, that File Explorer) by going thru the Internet Options, somewhere in the 'Advanced' portion you should find a 'Passive FTP' check box. That should allow you direct access via the Windoze Explorer application, just enter 'ftp://anonymous@10.10:28:10' in the address bar, changing the ip address I used to whatever your ftp server address is, and it' should display like any other folder in your file system...

Something along those lines should work, it might need some tweaking tho - I'd test it myself, but again I don't use anything M$... I'm a complete open source tech advocate... :ugeek:

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Postby Bruce Graham » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:36 am

Hey Dok;
Thanks for this. I'll dig around and see what I can find about FileZilla. The computer I use with my d8b and HDR's is Windows XP so it isn't connected to the internet at all. It's a NoteBook if that matters.
I had this working at one point and it stopped and can't figure out why it won't run again?
If you're not running Windows, or Mac, or Unix, what do you running? Open Source??? Don't get too technical as I am not very computer savvy! It is all I can do to get my home computer working with email. I have Windows 10 on that and I hate it! Such a "controlling" system!
Thanks for you advice. Such a great forum!
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