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How long is too long to wait?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:43 am
by thruhiker
First off let me say i am not bashing anyone or anything here. :-)

I am a pro tools user who loved the 8 channel HUI back in the day.
I bought a d8b a few months ago after hearing about the d8bridge and how it would eventually transform the HUI protocol into something that PT users could use as a 24 track controller for Pro Tools. I could have bought a newer controller but chose a d8b due to my regard for Mackie products. And it still looks and acts like an old school board in most respects.

However I find my self at odds as whether to keep my d8b and hold out hope for HUI support. Support, that is, beyond the latest HUI addition to the d8b software.

Again, I'm not bashing anyone, at all. I understand life gets in the way of your passion at times.

I was encouraged by elperroromel's work on his project of incorporating the onboard audio as well as the controller aspect. But, alas the focus is on MCU protocol and not HUI, as far as I can tell. Is HUI protocol that much harder to manipulate than MCU, or is it simply not taken seriously anymore? I'm not a programmer, and have no idea the obstacles faced with such an endeavor. I respect those who can get their heads around such things.

I hold out hope that either A) Pro Tools will use MCU one day (not holding my breath) or B) someone will implement HUI protocol with the d8b across at least 24 channels.

Am I hoping for too much? Should I sell my d8b while the demand is still somewhat there for them?

any thoughts are appreciated and thanks!


Re: How long is too long to wait?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:03 am
by anyhorizon
What are the alternatives?


Re: How long is too long to wait?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:21 pm
by thruhiker
to start over with all new controller is all I can think of. An MCU (if it will do more than 8 channels with protools, since it uses HUI with PT) or one of Avids overpriced and soul-less interfaces.

I was hoping someone maybe had some insight on the future of HUI going beyond 8 channels. i realize mackie won't do it. Is HUI so hard to crack that it can't be multiplied the same way the MCU protocol is being done? I kind of doubt it.


Re: How long is too long to wait?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:44 am
by bitSync
My apologies if you're already aware of this, but the native Mackie d8b 5.1 software has a HUI layer built in you can use to control ProTools.

[Edit] Nevermind, it looks like you're already aware of the 8-channel capability. I can't imagine the multiple HUI thing is insurmountable. I saw Marc Girard's BluAudio partner on the Bome MIDI Translator forum a while back and he seemed to be making some progress, though it's just not clear where D8Bridge 1.2 is at the moment.