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d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:45 pm
by ryanjuk

So a while back I hooked up my d8b to Reaper and mapped all the midi messages I wanted to the correct controls. I recently had to remap them as I'm using a new computer. I got them to work fine but with some weird glitches.

Randomly about 4/5minutes after setting them up and using the board to mix with, all the faders on the daw will set to the minimum volume level possible and the desk will not bring them back up. They just jump down to inf level. If I delete the actions I programmed in and then re-start programming them they then sometimes randomly start to work again. After that they will randomly set to inf again until I mess about with settings until something I does makes them work.

Does this sound like a buggered midi control card in the mackie desk or what?

Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:01 pm
by ryanjuk
Also I had all the pan pots working too. But as soon as they jumped down then the pan pots didnt work anymoe and I wasn't even able to reprogram them. It's worth noting that the faders in the daw dont just jump to inf if im not touching the faders on the desk. Only when I use the desk fader then it jumps down. But completely random as to how long it takes them to do that. Very odd.

I used miditest before setting all this up and the 64bit version would crash when I tried inputting anything. The 32bit version would say something about unexpected input 00

Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:41 pm
by anyhorizon
Do you mean you reprogrammed the d8b or just Reaper? If you reprogrammed the d8b, why? And if you did, you might have 2 commands set to the one function or some such, causing a conflict.


Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:32 am
by ryanjuk
No just Reaper. I'm not using HUI I'm just taking the midi output from the d8b and mapping them to actions within Reaper.

I'll try get a video of what happens at some point as it's very awkward to explain.

Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:26 am
by anyhorizon
Ok. What MIDI channel are you sending on to Reaper? (Not 16 I hope).


Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:34 am
by ryanjuk
Tried both channel 1 and 10

Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:48 am
by anyhorizon
Well, from a distance, I can't tell. if the d8b is being routed through a midi patcher and there is other stuff connected, then most keyboards etc default to channel 1 and drum machines default to channel 10. I used channel 11 when I was controlling Cubase with the d8b. Worked like a wheel. There are so many variables and I know nothing of Reaper. Hope you get it sorted.


Re: d8b midi sporadic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:49 am
by ryanjuk
I'll give 11 a try then. I'm simply using the d8b and reaper and that's all. I'll get a video as it is very hard to explain.