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how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:07 am
by bastafuerte
Hello, please i need to know how can i access to the inside of the fat chanel display, because when i clean the console with isoprophil alcohol, some rest of the alcohol filter inside the glass and i canĀ“t acces to this part.
Thanks an sorry for my bad english

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:22 am
by Crash
Are you talking the florescent display on the meter bridge? That is not an easy place to get into on the console, I am not sure you want to try. You have to tear the console far down to get there.

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:47 am
by bastafuerte
not the florecent display, the acrilic panel

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:06 am
by Phil.c
:?: :?: :?:

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:53 pm
by Crash
OK... are you talking the Position/Range meter? Anything in the meter bridge, if that is where you are talking, my original statement stands. That is one fo the very first parts installed and built on the d8b during its' creation. It can be done but it won't be easy to get that deep into the console.

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:33 pm
by Phil.c
Crash wrote:It can be done but it won't be easy to get that deep into the console.
But is it worth it, there's no end of trouble it could cause if your not very carefull.


Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:06 am
by FrankH
If he means the meter bridge's acrylic lens (94 780-040-00 LENS MTR BRIDGE-D8 SLKSCR), I gather from the assembly instructions, that this part is one of the last things to go on. It is not clear in the assembly instructions exactly how it is attached but my best guess (and knowing Mackie for cheap solutions) is that it is held in place with double sided tape. Again: that's a guess because there is no mention of what is supposed to hold it in place. All that's mentioned is this:
screenshot_02.png (Array KiB) Viewed 1980 times

I suppose it could be pried out...but considering the unknown quality of what exactly holds it in place and the age of the plastic...I'd steer clear of attempting this unless I had a direct replacement part sitting right next to me, in case it chips and/or snaps into pieces while attempting to pry it out.

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:37 pm
by Crash
I was thinking more along the lines of trying to get at the back of it without trying to "pry" it out, which as I recall never worked out well.... The parts you you would need to remove are some of the first installed. Yes, you are correct, the lens was one of the last things put on before the d8b was put in the box and then banded. They came from the supplier with the adhesive already on them and once you set in place it was not a fun proposition to try and remove it, resulting in the lens being torn up more times than not.

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:20 pm
by FrankH
They came from the supplier with the adhesive already on them and once you set in place it was not a fun proposition to try and remove it.
This brings up an interesting question: since you were on the assembly line, you'd know exactly the placement and size of the adhesive strip. Assuming you first peeled off a protective backing strip, was the adhesive masked along the edges or did it cover the entire surface?

Just doing a quick (and gentle) test with a screwdriver to see what kind of leverage/pressure it would take, settled it for me. I don't recommend trying this.

And something else came to mind....isopropyl alcohol dripping down the backside of the lens...across the adhesive and the underlying silkscreened paint job. This can't be good. I suspect that even if the lens was cleanly removed, that there will be some sort of irreparable damage to the backside finish that cleaning won't solve.

Re: how can i clean the meters front panel inside

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:18 pm
by Crash
FrankH wrote:
They came from the supplier with the adhesive already on them and once you set in place it was not a fun proposition to try and remove it.
This brings up an interesting question: since you were on the assembly line, you'd know exactly the placement and size of the adhesive strip. Assuming you first peeled off a protective backing strip, was the adhesive masked along the edges or did it cover the entire surface?

The thing was covered with adhesive anywhere that it was not clear, the see through bits, as I recall.

I suppose the best way to try and remove that, after thinking about it some more, would be to remove one of the side panels so that you might get a hold of an edge there to lift it off. I have no idea if the adhesive has gotten stouter with age or once you remove it, that it won't stick again. That is a gamble.