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D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:48 pm
by captainamerica
Dear Team

Every 30-60days, my D8b seems to freeze-up (with sometimes no audio). I have done all the pre-maintenance things over the years, including gluing down all the connectors using a compatible silicone adhesive. However, I am still unable to lock down the problem. I did notice that after pushing down on all the cables and control chips, the unit will work fine for 1-2 months. I suspect temperature or humidity might be affecting the unit, however, the studio does have some good HVAC controls. I doubt it's the cables as well because there all glued down. Could the chips be causing this issue?
It only takes me 16 minutes to take apart the board and put it back together, but I wish I didn’t have to do this once a month.

Any ideas when might be causing the problem :?:

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:10 pm
by Crash
This an issue that does not resolve with a reboot?

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:36 pm
by captainamerica
Correct, it can only be resolved by taking apart the D8b

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:03 pm
by Crash
I am doubtful of temp and humidity being the issue...Have you ever attempted to reset the big ass connector and data cable after one of these episodes? RAM comes to mind as does something funky with clocking possibly. What is your clocking scenario like?

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:49 pm
by anyhorizon
captainamerica wrote:Dear Team, It only takes me 16 minutes to take apart the board and put it back together, but I wish I didn’t have to do this once a month.

I want some of what you're taking :lol:

Part of the Team

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:21 pm
by captainamerica
big ass connector and data cable .....sorry, but is this on the CPU side or Db8?

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Crash
captainamerica wrote:big ass connector and data cable .....sorry, but is this on the CPU side or Db8?

Big ass connector is on the d8b side the data cable is on both.

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:57 pm
by captainamerica
What I normally do is unscrew these connectors and then screw it back in. Is there something else I should I do?

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:03 pm
by Crash
No, that was what I was checking on. Let's talk about your clocking scheme. Are you using an Apogee clock in your d8b? What else is connected to your d8b?

Re: D8b Freezes every 30-60days

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:59 pm
by Carlo
I have a similar problem. I cant get rid of this hitch. Every few months the d8b freezes. Then i have to re-do the ribbon cable procedure. What type of hotglue do you suggest? ?Is there any good quality hot glue on ebay? I will now try and lock the connectors with this glue.
