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'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:55 pm
by sverred
Hey guys!

I use the d8b both as a recording device, a mixer and a DAW controller (HUI-layer). But I have a stupid problem that I can't get around...

When I do tracking, and I don't want the recorded material, I have to use my mouse or keyboard on the PC to delete it/undo it. Isn't there any way to get one of the buttons on the d8b to do that?

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:19 pm
by FrankH
I'm a little curious about this statement:
I use the d8b both as a recording device

Could you explain that a the D8B has no recording function beyond its own internal automation.

As to your question...I guess it would depend upon what kind of DAW software you are using. Since you didn't bother to mention what you use, it would be impossible to give you a pertinent answer.

Can it be done? In Cubase, yes. A little inconvenient because you'd have to use a Mute button somewhere on the D8B. The Mute gets assigned to a MIDI Note On value in the D8B. In Cubase, a Generic Device is created and the incoming MIDI note gets routed to a Macro. The Macro must be set up to perform the KeyCommand: Undo (Cmd/Z[Mac]) or (CntrlZ[PC]). I haven't actually tried this, but in theory, it should work: hit the assigned Mute on the D8B and Cubase executes an UNDO....which would be the last thing you did.....recording.

I have no idea if this will work while the D8B is in HUI mode.

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:33 am
by Petersueco
You do know there is an UNDO button on the console, right? But you have to be in the HUI layer to make it work with the DAW. (Click on the image, button #56)
d8b-HUI-button-remapping.jpg (Array KiB) Viewed 2846 times

As per the HUI documentation it should work in PT, Cubase/Nuendo, Digital Performer and Logic.

Peter Holmquist.

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:40 am
by FrankH
As per the HUI documentation it should work in PT, Cubase/Nuendo, Digital Performer and Logic.

It works in Cubase6. Just checked.

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:01 am
by sverred

Thank you for your answers!

FrankH; Sorry for not being accurate. By "recording device" I meant 'the input (pre-amps and eq), routing to my PC (sorry for not mention that I use PC most of the time!), phones distribution, tape return, C/R monitoring, transport controller. The only thing I don't use it for is the actual recording...hehe

I know about the UNDO button, of course, but I tried it, and it didn't work. I concluded that it was only for the d8b internally, when you wanted to undo automation or whatever. I didn't think about that I had to be in the HUI layer to make it work. I will check next time I'm by the console! Thank you for your help!

BTW: I mainly use Samplitude 11 pro, but sometimes Cubase 5. Sorry for not telling you that. But, as long as you use the 'Mackie HUI' preset in the 'hardware controller' set up, that should be the same for all sequencers, I would guess? I will check with Samplitude and reply to you on how that work...

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:05 pm
by sverred
Oh yes, I worked in Samp 11 as well... Also the 'enter' button, to whatever Windows-window that pop's up. The only thing I need now is a 'tab' or arows that I can use to choose option in the windows that pops up...

Re: 'delete last recorded' in transport controller question

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 9:50 pm
by zetell
Sorry for bringing this post back to life after 10 years and also for being a little off the original topic.

Does anyone know if HUI mode is still fully working with Cubase 11?
I set up HUI mode with Cubase Elements 11 last night, but was unware of this "d8b-HUI-button-remapping" feature. Thus I only got play/stop/rw/ff/rec buttons and the jog wheel to work with Cubase.