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Does the Forum do automatic back ups when typing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:25 am
by csp
I am having a problem when typing a reply in the forum (I am using Firefox on Windows 10) in that if a slightly long post, for no reason Firefox is closing and I am losing what I have typed. Can anyone advise if the forum does automatic data back-up when typing and if so how do you find it and/or set the forum up to do the data backup when typing a reply or post.

Doing a re-type I find that it is never as good as the original typing as things in the original typing are often forgetten.

I am now having to use Word and then copy pasting what I have typed into the forum's "Quick Reply" section, so as to be sure that it is not dissappesring if Firefox shuts down.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Re: Does the Forum do automatic back ups when typing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:56 pm
by Y-my-R
From my experience, if you leave the editor window open too long (e.g. walk away and try to continue typing later - or just taking too long to type), then your login will time out and the post will be gone.

So, when I'm typing something long (or was away from the computer for a bit), I usually just select the whole text I typed (ctrl+a), then copy it all into cache (ctrl-c), and then click "submit".

If I get a login screen instead of a confirmation that my post was published, I switch over to another app with text input (most of the time, my e-mail program is open), and paste the text in a new message (ctrl-v).

By copying the text into the clipboard/cache before clicking submit, I never risk losing what I just typed.

...or sometimes, when I know that something will need a longer response, I just start typing in my e-mail editor in the first place, and copy the whole thing into a new message when I'm done ( you do with MS Word, sometimes, apparently).

I do not think that there is any sort of backup of what you typed in a web browser form. Until you hit "submit" the text you typed only exists in the "typing" field on the forum. Only when you hit submit, will it be transmitted to the forum server. So... no, there will be no backup available, since the text in front of you wasn't sent, anywhere, yet. It only exists on the computer you're on, and only right in front of you ( special cache, etc., unless you put it there... aka ctral-a/ctrl-c)

If anything, maybe there's some browser plug-in you might be able to install that might help to keep a "cache" of what you're typing... otherwise, if you take too long, there's always a chance that your login will time out (if you don't ctrl-c the text at some point), and that you will lose what you typed.

This is not specific to this forum, though. That's just how internet browsers work in general, and when they transmit local data (i.e. not before you hit "submit").

Re: Does the Forum do automatic back ups when typing

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:35 pm
by csp

Thanks for the info and i think that i will definitely have to use Word more often,

By the way, the problem is not that the forum is timing me out, but rather that Firefox for no apparent reason suddenly decides to close, hence my wondering if the forum had an automatic back up where it save what was being types (say) about every minute, so if what I am experiencing happened you would only loose the last minute's typing, BUT obviously not.

I will try to re-type what I was doing sometime later today, but will do it in Word --- after I get through ALL of the chores the "dragon lady" has set for me !!!!!!!!!