Hi phoom,
I think Arjepsen is right. I think that this issue normally happens, when the harddrive (or CF card) that you intend to use with the D8B, was formatted with a PC instead of via the D8B installer disks. I believe that the boot sector for the D8B installation has something "custom" to it, that isn't there when you format via PC/Windows (or any other system that can format to FAT).
Long story short, you need to edit a file on the FIRST of the 3 D8B installation floppy disks. Put the floppy disk in a PC running Windows. Then open the file Tools.ini with a text editor like Notepad. Then, add the following line to the end of the lines that are already in the file:
(don't leave a space in that line).
Save the file as Tools.ini back to the floppy disk (if your text editor adds a different extension such as .txt, rename it back to .ini).
Then put the floppy disk in the D8B rack unit and turn it on. You should get prompted if you really want to format the harddrive, and that all data will get lost (backup anything you still need, before that). Confirm.
The D8B will now format the harddrive in the proper format, and the installation should complete without error (or at least without THAT error).
It's also described in the database, here:
https://www.sonido-7.com/d8b/files/d8b_ ... ocdure.pdfBest of luck!