This is my first post here.
I have owned this d8b for over 10 years. About 5 years ago, it just suddenly stopped working and wouldn't power up properly. The display said "Host did not load ... Error 43..." It had worked fine on the previous session
I hadn't changed any hardware or made any modifications of any kind. I assumed the HD was bad since it had some high pitched sounds coming out of it when I turned the unit on. Since I don't really use the d8b anymore, I just forgot about it until I was cleaning and found another internal d8b drive (which could also be bad or mislabeled). I swapped it in -- no change. I hooked up a monitor and held the delete key when it was powering up. I was unable to get anything to appear on the screen (monitor says "no signal"). In fact the monitor doesn't ever show anything, or even turn on (power button is on, of course), whether I'm trying to enter bios or not.
So I'm guessing something fundamental is wrong here. Bad bios chip or mobo?
I tried re-seating and switching the ram around in every possible configuration of 1 and 2 cards.
I tried replacing the 2032 battery.
I tried starting without the other two expansion cards in there (I think that's what they're called - the two cards besides the graphics card).
I tried a different HD to mobo ribbon cable.
Also, I had assumed that I would be able to get the bios screen with or without a working HD installed, right?
Anyway, nothing has worked and I'm out of ideas.