I have 2 d8bs and 5 HDR24s for sale. Both D8Bs were running version 5.1. Both have different issues. One is locked at the start up sequence and says boot file error after recognizing the hard drive. It is the older Mobo. I have tried resetting the bios, changed battery, reseated cables etc. S&X pro audio says they have had success keeping the d8bs running and that is where it could be repaired.
Board #2 Locks up after completely loading, performed the molex cable repair, worked for a while, but is now not working, again S&X pro audio.
My goal, which was never achieved was to have 2 d8bs working as 1. Never got 2 operating properly at the same time. I have many cards to go with the units. UFX, MFX, DIO8, ADAT, Analog, SPDIF/AESEBU, TDIF.
4 of the hdrs are upgraded w latest bios and I have many spare drives for them and a few drive bays.
I have gone back to an analog console Toft ATB32, preamps, interface and a computer w/ daw.
I used the one d8b for the past 10 years, the other for 6 months.
If interested you can email me at bradsstudio@maqs.net or call 608 393 1942.