1 down at least 2 more to go...!!
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:09 am
Hey all, thanks for anything that you contributed to help me get the d8b running...almost; I swapped video cards
temporarily and the d8b loaded 3.0 software and the lights and all came on---great, I'm really in business now, right?
WRONG---the GUI is not controlling the faders at all or vice versa; I tried to research a bit, but I don't think it's the rack rail
deal, I could be wrong though. So, I need help with the NEW problems...the video card is pci, but I've already got an AGP card coming. I'm using the original mackie hard drive, already have another drive on the way. I am doing the flash card install as soon as my last piece gets here as well. I can go through all of the menus and such on the monitor, the faders just don't respond at all. I've done the calibrate a couple times as well...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with some more help! Thanks!!
temporarily and the d8b loaded 3.0 software and the lights and all came on---great, I'm really in business now, right?
WRONG---the GUI is not controlling the faders at all or vice versa; I tried to research a bit, but I don't think it's the rack rail
deal, I could be wrong though. So, I need help with the NEW problems...the video card is pci, but I've already got an AGP card coming. I'm using the original mackie hard drive, already have another drive on the way. I am doing the flash card install as soon as my last piece gets here as well. I can go through all of the menus and such on the monitor, the faders just don't respond at all. I've done the calibrate a couple times as well...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with some more help! Thanks!!