BIOS Settings Confirmation Request
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:16 pm
When I look at my system BIOS for the d8b (Award BIOS v4.51PC), in the POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP screen two of the entries I am expecting to see are absent from the screen. They are -
Could someone please take a look at the BIOS screen upon your next d8b bootup and let me know if these attributes are present on the POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP screen and if so, what the version of your BIOS is? Also, if you know why I'm not seeing these attributes if you could let me know. Mine is the 300A MHz Celeron in the newer motherboard. Thanks.
- Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN
- PWR Lost Resume State
Could someone please take a look at the BIOS screen upon your next d8b bootup and let me know if these attributes are present on the POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP screen and if so, what the version of your BIOS is? Also, if you know why I'm not seeing these attributes if you could let me know. Mine is the 300A MHz Celeron in the newer motherboard. Thanks.