Carlo wrote:I agree with DOK about the approved sealant but we use different types of sealants here in my country and it works wonders (the important thing is NOT to use those sealants that smell like vinegar.....they could corrode the metal on the PCB). Hot glue is used on all electronic parts that can move like EPROMS etc......i dont know why it should be a prob Dok.
Hey Carlo... just check the description of the sealants on DOW's page, I'm pretty sure you can cross-reference & find an equivalent on the European market. But I agree with you entirely, the Hot Glue route is perfectly acceptable - I'd just watch out for the way most glues '
setup'... if you have to get that cable off again, glues tend to not be as pliable as silicone sealants when cured. You also mentioned the KEY point of the whole matter, you don't want to use ANYTHING that's gonna corrode those pins (
or connector pin connects), or Pandora's Electrical Box will majestically FUCK THINGS UP... most likely causing all manner of run-time '
Gremlins' and Anomalies until something just '
gives up' due to the loss of electrical connection...
At this point, I'm pretty sure you've done the Right Thing for your own situation, Brutha...