RonnR wrote:Just spent the last couple of weeks going thru this as well. The code they sent me wont unlock my d8b.
The software that generates the code only generates 1 code for eack d8b system id #. They said the computer that
generates the codes had been 50/50 on giving working codes, and that lately it doesnt give any unlock codes that will work.
They called me today, and said that they were going to refund my money's, I assured them that I would be willing to wait.
But they all but said that they wouldn't be spending to much time on it in the future. What are we to do.
Surely the original programers had a back door, universal, unlock code... One that doesnt require a d8b sin.
I'm more than willing to pay. Thought I would try here, maybe somebody knows something..
Going to be watching this thread closely.
anyhorizon wrote:Is the ESN on an eprom or is that a fixed chip? Only reason I ask is that if the ESN IS on an eprom, then that could be duplicated and everyone could have all the plug ins etc.
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