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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:12 am
by synthjoe
High C Double G wrote:Should work though.

I wish you were right - but I'm afraid we'll be let down. The desk will have a custom program downloaded into memory to work as a 'd8bridge', so flipping the switch will not be enough to make the old CPU talk to the console, unless rebooted after the switch. Which is better than nothing, but not quite flexible, I guess...

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:11 am
by eaygee
If they can turn the D8b into a full controller why would you really be worried about using the old functions of the board. Let's be honest I love my board but really all it is now adays is a big patch bay. Do you really want to mix audio through the board anymore??? love my board that's why I still own it. 2 motherboards and 2 drives later I still have it, cause I new this day would come. When this software comes out. I will switch over to it so fast it isn't funny.

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:02 am
by jumbodingo
One big motivation for me is that I will be able to record at the higher resolutions finally !! As for my Mac G5 ... I am buying a newer architecture Mac Pro tower so I can run a Dual-Boot machine. That's right , I will run my DAW (Presonus S1) thru windows until the Mac's get the Bridge. Thanks again for all the hard work. Good luck on Beta Testing Guys.

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:32 am
by anyhorizon
That's sure to make the music better. :)


Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:13 pm
by Axeman098
If you're using external Pre's, then monitoring through the D8B is kinda pointless anyway. I'm using Profire 26/26's, and I monitor through the master Pre. Extremely low latency, and solid quality audio right off the Pre. While part of me wishes the Analog I/O WOULD work on Marc's solution, I'm already prepared, so it really doesnt bother me. I wouldn't use the D8B onboard Pre's now except in an emergency, as I think they sound sub par to most modern Pre's.

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:55 am
by Marc Girard
That's it! Peter's got the first beta! :) I'm running the d8bridge now at my studio, been two days, no crash! Sounds like we may have a release for December!

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:03 am
by siraltus
I know that because of the hardware part of the bundle (custom cable), this might not be very feasible, but will there be a demo version/evaluation period? $350 is 1/4 to 1/2 of the value of a d8b nowadays, so I would like to get a feel for the software and make sure it does what I want it to do before I commit. Again, I know it's a long-shot, but hey, I figured I'd ask.

We could also eliminate the cable out of the demo deal and make it so that if you're smart enough to build your own cable, you can try out a time-limited (say 15-30 minutes) version of the software before you buy it.

Just my $0.02 + applicable tax....

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:21 am
by Petersueco
Hello all!

I have just spent three hours in my studio installing and having my first try with the d8bridge and I have to say this is the future for all the d8b consoles. One word: Overexcited!

Marc, the job you have done is unbelievable and admirable. Very good work! And I can see the hours and time spent on it. Much respect! Thanks for letting me be the first one to try it.

The installation went nice and was easy, tricky, but easy. I had to follow the instructions to the letter and I was good to go in the first attempt as soon I loaded a project.

Suddenly the console came to live!!! Metering, perfect! Fader, pan, and channel buttons, working! Time display readings... smoooooth!! Transport section, also very nice!

The d8bridge feels right and stable at all moment.

The jog wheel is a pleasure to use for the three functions I could make it to work: Channel scrolling, cursor scrolling and audio scrubbing (Nuendo 3.1.1 BTW).

After a while, I realized in how bad shape my console really is. I have not used the console for mixing duties since almost 6 years now. I do all my mixes ITB. I have several faders with erratic behavior and some of them just didn't work at all. Several v-pots are also jumpy and unresponsive. Time for repair as soon I end the beta tests.

You guys, I tell you this: Light up your consoles !!!

Ledtest.jpg (Array KiB) Viewed 1269 times

...and prepare your credit cards. It's going to be a ride!

Oh god! It's 5.20 am. Now I go to bed. Good night.

Peter Holmquist.

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:48 am
by frama78
wow! where can i place my preorder :!: :?:

Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:18 pm
by NigelC
I know this was covered earlier somewhere but just wanted to see if anything might have changed.

What are the chances of a Mac version of this software?

I must say I am still loath to lose the analogue I/O of the desk as I use it for my synth outboard and whilst I could route these through an Audio Interface I like the separation of having the combination of external and internal.

However seeing as there is no Mac version its kind of academic!