by csp » Fri Mar 07, 2025 2:02 am
Thank for the thoughts, but hopefully we will be OK as out property is probably about 90mtrs above sea level and our home is sandstone brick and the framing is case hardened, extra thick and fully welded steel framing, it was designed to withstand a category 5 cyclone and this one is only a category 2 --- possibly rising to a 3 as it crosses the coast. The avatar photo it taken from the patio outside the kitchen and looking towards the ocean, so it gives an idea of our height above sea level.
Re the Frollicking Faders program, it is on the Database in the "Automation Motivation" section (second item). I have no idea how it will go with a PC based program as it was written mainly for the Mackie HDR machine, BUT I am guessing that it should work with anything that has a time code that is counting.
Post if it works and what you had to do to make it work as there are others who could find it interesting. I used it as a BS type factor a number of years ago when I was showing new/prospective clients the control room and especially the desk as clients were accostomed to seeing analogue consoles that were covered in knobs, faders and buttons, etc, NOT a console with basically only a row of faders and a couple of rows of knobs, with the last part of the demo knocking them out when they saw what was showing on the screen (I wont say what they say but it is definitely very impressive and something you don't see on an analogue desk !!!!!).