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version 5.1 Authorisation issue

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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Boughman » Wed May 07, 2014 11:36 pm

Thanks for the information Maxcz.

Anyone willing to provide codes for the 5.1 OS and plugins? I had planned to get the update from Mackie but looks like that will not be possible.
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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Bruce Graham » Thu May 08, 2014 1:11 am

Maxcz is the man!

I too am looking for a code.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Peps » Thu May 08, 2014 3:25 am

Maximum respect for Maxcz!
I need a working code pair too. At least for the OS, I don't care much about the plug-ins.
So please...
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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby chrisyorkuk » Thu May 08, 2014 2:21 pm

am I to assume that I should not buy version 5 upgrade? I just brought a fully loaded D8B and wanted it fully upgraded, If anyone has codes or links to the software that work I would gladly pay, Im not keen on upgrading via mackie site looking at all the issues everyone encounters
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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby kv68 » Fri May 09, 2014 12:38 am

When i started this thread was a rant and a cry for help ...Just Wow! ...the work , time , effort by you guys on this issue is truly astounding not to adverse to soldering ..does the pair have to be from the old box/esn system ..i take it the one that gave me issues in the first place is a duff one and wont work also if anyone has a pair i could have it would be class...and Maxcz.....well f**kin done m8....a star amognst stars!!!

really glad i got this desk ..if only to meet a great group of users

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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Carlo » Sat May 10, 2014 4:32 pm

.....and it works. My second d8b is on V5.1 too.

You rock MaxCZ ;)

the battle is OVER and DONE :lol:


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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby doktor1360 » Sat May 10, 2014 9:02 pm

Swing back around on this, y'all... lots of interesting stuff going on...

Maxcz... if I'm getting this correct, you're essentially recommending 'lifting' pin 2 on the DS2401 (U16), and connecting the lifted pin to the data side of R70 (from the data bus)... is that correct? It's what I'm seeing electrically on the PDF instructions... correct me if I'm wrong here; this requires a new DS2401 from you that's pre-programmed with a specific ESN? There's a ton of conjecture thru-out this thread, is there a single, concise rundown of all this? The PDF is good, but leaves a little bit 'to be desired'...

Anyone else repeat this process (Carlo?) outlined here... and care to chime in? I could do this in 10 minutes if the steps were clearly defined...

Any/all feedback welcomed...

Thanx in advance, y'all...


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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Carlo » Sat May 10, 2014 10:09 pm

Hi Dok,

Maxcz provided me with a chip already soldered from the chip end (and believe me a professional job). I then soldered the data wire to the R70 resistor solder point using a pencil type soldering bit then the same applied for the red (+5v) and black (ground) wire(no pin lifting is required). It is a very very easy job. I did it and I have no experience in soldering. I just trained a bit of SMD soldering on a very old Ethernet card that I had in store so that I will not mess the brainboard since it was my first time doing such a job.

I preferred to pull out the DS2401 off the board. Maxcz recommended to cut the trace. I did cut the trace but I was not 100% certain that the copper wire trace was removed completely. So pulling the ID chip out is the best and safest option. It requires some heat then with a tiny screwdriver you will be able to move the chip sideways while the solder points are hot. the only trouble is that you have to provide Maxcz with a matched auth code and ESN to be able to do it otherwise you are stuck.


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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby doktor1360 » Sat May 10, 2014 10:52 pm

Carlo wrote:Maxcz provided me with a chip already soldered from the chip end (and believe me a professional job). I then soldered the data wire to the R70 resistor solder point using a pencil type soldering bit then the same applied for the red (+5v) and black (ground) wire(no pin lifting is required).

OK... that confirms the pin lift of U16 (DS2401)... just run a length of ~20 gauge wire or so to the data bus side of R70 from the lifted pin... :ugeek:

Carlo wrote:I preferred to pull out the DS2401 off the board. Maxcz recommended to cut the trace.

That's why I'm recommending lifting the pin, one precise snip w a small pair of dykes. Easier (IMHO) and doesn't f*ck with the screening on the board itself - you could theoretically reverse that type of mod a LOT easier if necessary. If you cut the trace and want to reverse the mod, you'll only end up doing the same thing - soldering a wire length from the IC's pin 2 to the pass-thru hole at the end of it's trace run, rendering a brain board that's not OEM... :ugeek:

Carlo wrote:The only trouble is that you have to provide Maxcz with a matched auth code and ESN to be able to do it otherwise you are stuck.

A working pair?!? I've got an unlock code (from Mackie) that won't authorize, are you saying that's not going to work out in this case? Dafuq... I would think that defeats the whole purpose... if I had an f'n code that worked, this whole thread would be moot... :evil:

So, in a sense, this solution is dependent on someone providing a good unlock code that could be applied across the board for everyone, is that a correct statement?!? For F*ck Sake... :roll:

I stand corrected IF this is not the case, Gang...


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Re: version 5.1 Authorisation issue

Postby Carlo » Sun May 11, 2014 8:50 am

you cannot lift the pins of the is super tiny. The DS2401 size is approx 3mm. If you follow MAXCZ instructions you will not regret works.
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