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Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o MIDI)

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby MOSHWITZ » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:23 pm

Sup? :D

Win 7 64 here. just built a new DAW computer and have been using Cubase 5(32bit) on it more than anything for the last month, and it seems to run real smooth like this. Is it going to matter whether one is going to use 32 bit apps on a 64 bit OS ?

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Axeman098 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:55 pm

Win 7 64bit here. Sorry for straying off topic with shameless self promotion :D More serious note.... The goal is for the DAW to see the D8B as 3 MCU's??? REALLY?!?! :O Okay, now I'm drooling... Now I am curious too. A full 24 fader map? How close to full MCU functionality are we talking here? Does using the Mackie Protocol allow for more freedom to custom assign various controls, v-pots, etc., or will there be more of an intial "template" config with some modification options? I'm just curious to know how customizable the MCU layout is intended to be, or what the limitations might be. If it's going to be seen as 3 MCUs then that should make it easy to be picked up in multiple DAWs, correct? This is VERY exciting stuff! Cannot wait to see this in action!!! :)
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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Marc Girard » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:17 am

Yes, the d8b will be seen as 3 MCUs (a little bit like the Tascam US2400 approach). Yes, it'll be full 24 faders, 256 fader steps (increased resolution from d8b OS), full meter bridge support across the 24 channels, Solo, Mute, Pans, Automation and more. We're concentrating on those features for now, once they're OK, we're gonna move on to the master section and implement transport and jog wheel support. Next, we'll have to check out the rest (EQ section, locators, etc).

We'll have some new stuff to show you guys real soon! Hang in there! :)

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Marc Girard » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:43 am

Ah yeah guys! It's been a while since we didn't show anything new! Well, just in time for the weekend, we got a new video for you all. Frank has worked real hard on squashing the MIDI bugs. It seems like 32bit and 64bit MIDI software don't play nice together. That's why I was asking you guys about your platform in an earlier post.

I'm not explaining the video, it pretty much says it all by itself:

For those who still don't get it, it's working! Nuendo is controlling 8 faders (a single MCU emulated). Frank succeeded where I failed. I had one fader working so-so, Frank has all 8 running smoothly! I don't know for you guys, but it's getting me very excited to finally see something concrete working on the d8b.

It's 2:42am, I'm off to catch some ZzzzZz's... Let me know what you guys think, cheers all!

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Zorba the Geek » Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:06 pm

Hi again Marc & Frank,

That is fantastic. Very impressive work!! Congratulations on taking a concept many of us have wished for and doing all the hard work to turn it into reality. I am very excited to watch your progress and wish you the best. Now go and get some rest!

As regards the transport/jog-wheel support and the master section work, did you see my post on the previous page? Excuse the rambling in that post, however towards the end I posed the question of whether it was possible to incorporate some aspects of a) the HUI protocol, as well as b) MCU emulation into your software?? I ask this because using the HUI protocol already present in the d8b software, transport & jog-wheel control is very accurate and smooth. The original d8b firmware/software allowed for both to operate simultaneously, so that I used HUI to control the transport functions (without ever using the actual d8b HUI layer) whilst setting up a generic remote to take care of midi-mapping other fader layers (Input & tape in my case). This may be completely impossible, but I thought I would mention it in case it makes it easier to get the transport side of things going.

Anyway, best of luck with getting the rest of your ideas happening and if you need any assistance please let me know.

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby MOSHWITZ » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:08 pm

Sup? :)

Awesome Marc & Frank.

When you say the 32 and 64 bit midi doesn't play nice together,, will that effect using 32 bit Cubase on a win 64 OS? or will I have to reload cubase as 64 bit to make it play nice?

Thanks for all you outstanding work and efforts guys :mrgreen:

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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Petersueco » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:55 pm

Very well. Nice work. I'm very excited to about this whole thing.

Are the mutes, solos, select, etc. buttons working too? Do you get the track names in the VFD display too?

Keep it up guys !!!
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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby mackdaddie » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:04 pm

well well well!!

look at this!!

the youtube movies are very wicked to see, i think you guys are capable to build a new D8B version 2011 or 2012, with al these features in it, what a wonderfull thought

keep the good thing going on

best of luck!
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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Marc Girard » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:08 am

How you been guys? It's been a little while! :)

I'm happy to show you another video of Frank and me fooling around the d8b. This time, we've reached a personal goal, have the meter bridge running smooth, reflecting Nuendo's mixer window... Last year, when I started that project, I only dreamed of having the d8b's meter bridge responding correctly! Today, it's a reality, may not seem like much, but it is a big deal as there's not many control surfaces available with that kind of metering available.

Frank also included the time display, it's working fabulously well! He even added a cool twist that if you press the "SMPTE Display" button, it shows time of the day, just for fun... I like that.

Another working feature not shown in the video is the Jog Wheel Channel scrolling! That's simply incredible to work with, so simple yet to useful. It works well with the 8 channels we have right now, soon, we'll have the 24... For now, Frank has to clean up the code a bit, we'll let you know...

Here's the newest video, sorry for the poor quality, was shot with my iPhone.


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Re: Converting a D8B to a full fledged DAW Controller (w/o M

Postby Zorba the Geek » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:44 am

Hi Marc and Frank,

To quote Marc: "Yeah baby!"

Fantastic work. That is super impressive.
Keep up the great work gentlemen, and looking forward to any further developments.
We are all very excited by your progress and can't wait to hand over some cash to reward you for your great efforts in keeping the d8b alive and kicking.

Kind regards,
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